DJ-Classifieds 3.3 Stable

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DJ-Classifieds 3.3 Stable
19 January 2015
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DJ-Classifieds 3.3 Stable

26 November, 2021

DJ-Classifieds 3.3 stable version has been released. After tests and valuable feedback received after releasing 3.3 Beta and RC versions we are now ready to release stable version.

List of new features is outstanding. The best are:

  • Auctions - Now user can sell his items on auctions. He can set reserve price for an item and minimal bid increase.
  • Watermarks - Now you can mark all images with a watermark.
  • Email templates - You don't need to edit files anymore. Now you can edit email notifications using simple editor.
  • Payment for additional images or characters in description - You're able to set number of free images in advert and price for each addtional image. You can also set limit of characters in description and price for every additional character.
  • Categories restricted for adults - If you have age-restricted categories you can display 18+ warning and hide adverts from restricted categories.
  • Integration with EasySocial
  • New  themes - responsive table and smart table


You can find complete list of changes in the changelog.

Learn more about the updates from previous posts and product page:

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