Alta User Points DJ-Classifieds App

Alta User Points DJ-Classifieds App

From this tutorial, you will learn the basics of using the AUP App for DJ-Classifieds. We have tried to cover all starting information you need to start using the Alta User Points with DJ-Classifieds. If you are familiar with this solution, the tutorial will help you understand the logic of DJ-Classifieds integration.

How to start?

  1. Download and install free extension AltaUserPoints
  2. Download   and unpack it (this is important, you cannot install the downloaded package as it contains two plugins you need to install separately)

Install DJ-Classifieds plugins for AltaUserPoints

  • DJ-Classifieds - AltaUserPoints - the main plugin to control actions in DJ-Classifieds. You can also set the number of points a user earns when submitting to this category (you may want to add extra points for users that submit adverts to certain categories. You type the category ID and number of points to be earned, for example, 16-3 this way every time someone submits the advert to category ID 16, will earn extra 3 points for this action (the Advert controls the action method - Add Category rule) 

  • DJ-Classifieds Alta User Points payment - the plugin for payments with AUP - this works the same way as any other payment gateway. Once enabled, it will be visible on the checkout's last step when submitting or editing the advert. User can also see how many points he has on the account when choosing the payment option. 

  • Once the plugins are installed and enabled the points settings in the DJ-Classifieds to become the AUP points. If you have set the price for the promotion with 1 point set in DJ-Classifieds - it now becomes 1 AUP point. Learn more about points in DJ-Classifieds


When you have installed AltaUserPoints, performed the first steps and DJ-Classifieds AltaUserPoints App is installed and enabled:

  1. Open Alta User Points component - when it is newly installed - you will see the blue notifications on top of the component - save the options and sync users as explained
  2. Click Auto-detect new rules - this will search and detect newly added rules (from the DJ-classifieds integration plugin)
  3. now click Rules
  4. in top right select “Other.”
  5. here you can see all the rules detected for DJ-Classifieds, the rules are the actions from which AUP points can be earned
  6. Each rule has its own set of settings that you can tweak by editing it, that is default also for other AUP rules, the most important thing here is setting the points that user can earn for that action

With the rules you can set interesting things, for example:

  • set the time when the points earned by the activity expires.
  • The user-level access to use certain rules,
  • the custom message that will be displayed after adding points to the user’s account
  • or options to send the e-mail notification to the user and/or administrator when a user earns or spends points
  • decide how often the points can be earned for a certain action (for example you can let your users earn points for posting an advert once a day/week/month, or every time the advert is renewed, etc.)
  • learn more about the Alta User Points rules.

Now you can earn and pay with the AUP points.

Remember: The points settings in the DJ-Classifieds now become the AUP points. If you have set the price for the promotion with 1 point set in DJ-Classifieds - it now becomes 1 AUP point.

Let’s simulate the simple scenario

  • 1 AUP point can be earned when adding the image to the advert.
  • Price for submitting the ad with promotions “special” is set to 1 Point.

Set the rule to earn 1 Point for adding the image to the advert.

  1. Go to Components -> AltaUserPoints -> Rules
  2. Filter “Other” in the select box upper right
  3. Find and click to edit Advert - Add Image rule
  4. Set the options per your needs. In our case, I will set 1.00 in Points setting and “Once a day per user” in the Method setting
  5. and hit Save to save the rule

Set the price for promotion “Special.”

  1. Go to Components -> DJ-Classifieds -> Promotions
  2. Find the click to edit Promotion ''Special.’’
  3. Go to Prices and durations tab
  4. add the price in points in Price points section (1 in our case)
  5. and hit Save to save the promotion settings

Every time a user submits the advert with the picture earns 1 point (no more often than once a day), he can spend the points for promotion “Special”. Following this scenario and using your imagination, you can create the whole ecosystem around your website where users can earn and spend points on different extensions.

If you'd like to know how to display AUP points to the user, check this article

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