Joomla automotive classifieds template
for Yootheme
Ready to rev up your automotive classified ads portal? Look no further! Our turnkey solution, powered by Joomla!, the DJ-Classifieds component, and the YOOtheme Pro web builder, is tailored for automotive enthusiasts like you. Seamlessly configure delivery and payment methods, effortlessly add ads, and watch your revenue soar. Say goodbye to complexity and hello to a sleek, profitable online platform. Start your engines and drive success today.
DJ-Classified Ads includes 2 extensions worth €226!
NOTE! Yootheme is a commercial add-on from an external source. You'll need to order it through » the developer's website!
ready to use
online classifieds template
Designed for websites presenting classified ads from many industries.
Perfect for small businesses that want to increase their income by providing the ability to add ads online
YOOtheme elements dedicated to the
DJ-Classifieds component
The DJ-Classifieds Integrator plugin provides an exhaustive list of elements that will be used to build items list views and other elements on the page.
Each element, like the built-in YOOtheme elements, comes with extensive configuration and styling options.