How to set front-end album submission

How to set front-end album submission

Front-end album managing is a new feature in DJ-MediaTools. You can use it if you want to allow users of a given group to create or edit albums.

To allow users to create an album on front-end you just need to create menu item of DJ-MediaTools>Album Submission View type

On the frontend users will see a page like this:

frontend album submission

Users with permissions to edit albums can add or delete photos and edit titles and descriptions.

frontend album edition

You can set permissions for every group of users in DJ-MediaTools options, tab Permissions . Permissions to create and edit albums on the frontend

NOTICE: Any user of a group with permission to edit albums will be able to edit all albums, not only those created by him or her. Therefore we advise giving permissions to edit contents of DJ-MediaTools only to trusted users.

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