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DJ-EasyContact 1.6 update with a rich set of improvements
27 January 2021
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DJ-EasyContact 1.6 update with a rich set of improvements

26 November, 2021

The free Joomla contact form module has been updated to 1.6 version. This version brings some useful changes and improvements. 

DJ-EasyContact is a simple, free Joomla contact form module purposed for those who don't need complex form builders. 

Improved send emails and display messages mechanism

DJ-EasyContact has a new mechanism for sending email and displaying messages:

  • DJ-EasyContact works now as an AJAX contact form and sends contact information without page refresh.
  • Message about the sent information (or any errors) appears above the form and do not use the pop-up window anymore.

Refreshed module settings

We changed the structure of the DJ-EasyContact module settings in the extension backend. We have sorted out the options, and they have been categorized into appropriate sections. The module settings layout looks now better and is much more functional.

Check DJ-EasyContact module settings

Better separation between fields sections 

Field parameters are now clearly separated into three sections:
  • Name
  • Email
  • Message

Each field from this list can be easily disabled or enabled. We've added the option to show labels for form fields. 

There is also an option to disable the requirement for fields: name, email and message. 'Name' and 'email' fields have autocomplete attributes. 

Improved forms structure 

The contact form on the front-page can now display information about the required fields - there is a "star" icon next to the required field and one collective information at the top of the form.

Check how to use DJ-EasyContact module.

Other changes

Additionally, the email message settings contain the "Email Subject" field and you can decide whether the user can attach more details to the submission message (browser type, browser version, full agent string) or not.


Check the DJ-EasyContact demo site

Want to know more?

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