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Introducing the new DJ-Likebox, free Joomla Facebook news feed module!
06 November 2017
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Introducing the new DJ-Likebox, free Joomla Facebook news feed module!

26 November, 2021

It has been ages since we update the DJ-Likebox but eventually, the new, shiny version is here! This upgrade brings support for new Facebook API, better responsiveness and a bunch of new features to let you customize the module!

Adding the Facebook feed widget on your Joomla site can drastically improve a number of fans you get to your FB page and get more likes and followers.

Choose the best place (module position or inside the article), place the like box module there and watch new fans following your Facebook page.

The new version of DJ-Likebox (free module for Facebook Feed on your Joomla website) was rewritten to meet the latest standards Facebook introduced (new API), we have also added some new features that will let you customize the Facebook Feed widget easily.

Thanks to the new feature where you can choose what tabs to display (timeline, messages, events) you can create a number of modules for one or more purposes.

For example, you can use DJ-Likebox to display only the Messages tab and this way connect with your users using Facebook Messenger or display all of them to let users choose what they want to do with the widget.

The features

There are all features you will find in latest Facebook API configurable in the module. Let’s see how it looks in the backend when you edit the module:

  1. Facebook page URL - Provide your FB Page URL to display the feed
  2. Include FB SDK - usually, you need to set it to “Yes” and the module will use the SDK from Facebook
  3. Facebook App ID - You can provide your Facebook App ID for javascript SDK inclusion
  4. Width - provide the width of the Facebook feed widget
  5. Height - provide the height of the Facebook feed widget
  6. Tabs - select what you want to be displayed in the Facebook widget
  7. Hide Cover Photo - decide if you want to show or hide the Cover image of your Facebook page
  8. Show Friend’s Faces - enable or disable displaying of friends’ faces in the widget
  9. Hide custom call to action button - hide or show the CTA button if set on your Facebook Page
  10. Use small header - enable to display the smaller header of the Facebook page in the widget
  11. Adapt to module container width - responsive settings, set to “Yes” for module to try to fit the widget to fit the container it is set in

The Facebook tabs combinations

With the new Tabs settings, you can use the widget in a powerful way.

As you can see there are three tabs to choose from:

  • Timeline - displays the tab with news feed from your Facebook page
  • Events - displays the events published on your page
  • Messages -lets the visitors to contact you via Facebook Messenger

As you can combine all of them or choose one to be displayed you can set it to work as a full blown Facebook widget where users can switch between tabs or choose one or two features it will handle.

All three tabs enabled:

So, as this enables you to use combinations, you can choose one or two tabs to use only, so, for example, DJ-LikeBox can be used to display only the Facebook Messenger placed somewhere on the page to let your users easily contact you using this medium.

Same goes for other tabs. Taking into account that you can create the unlimited number of DJ-Likebox instances on your page you can use it for different purposes in different areas of the website.

Download and more info

DJ-Likebox can be displayed in DJ-Tabs tab as well as in DJ-MegaMenu too in regular drop down or in off canvas!

Download DJ-Likebox, free Joomla Facebook Widget for Joomla
