Meet the auto-optimizing version of DJ-MediaTools
We have just released the fresh version of the gallery and slideshow extension for Joomla! with new effects and improvements.
Some of the new features:
New effect - Ken Burns
Slow zooming image animation called Ken Burns effect will make your slideshow more attractive than boring static images.
You can use this new option in:
- the slideshow,
- slideshow with thumbnails,
- tabber
- and modern slider layouts.
Check the DJ-MediaTools demo website to see how nicely it works.
To use it in your slideshow you just need to go to the Customise layout tab in the module/album settings and enable it.
Automated lossless images compression with cron job
Optimization of the images can be now fully automated. You can still manually optimize images in the component's back-end using Images & CSS cache page. However, setting up the cron job gives you peace of mind that all newly added (and already existing) images will be optimized without any extra action from your side.
If you want to learn more about images optimization in DJ-MediaTools then read the following FAQ article:
How to optimize images with lossless compression
Watermarks controlled!
The watermarks feature was introduced in DJ-MediaTools 2.9. Since then we got feedback from you, that it would be nice to have the option to disable watermarks for particular albums.
Now it's possible and easy as changing the option in the album settings and purge images cache.
We have also added short article describing how to make it properly:
How to disable watermarks for individual album
Displaying more ads from the current advertiser (DJ-Classifieds integration)
If you have updated your Classified ads extension to the 3.7.1 version you are now able to create an album which will display ads of the same advertiser as the currently viewed ad.
If you haven't updated DJ-Classifieds yet then check why it's worth to update DJ-Classifieds as soon as possible!
Important changes and fixes
We have changed how the articles album source plugin fetches the image. Now it takes full article image first to make sure it will be big enough for the slideshow. Before this update, the intro image was taken first what could cause that image in the slideshow was too small or had bad quality.
Some fixes were added for reported Skitter Slideshow and Kwick Panels layouts disorders. Corrected notice and error messages including "Use of undefined constant DJClassifiedsSEO" in the DJ-Classifieds source plugin and fixed to display correct time in the DJ-Events source plugin.
Want to know more?
- You will find the full list of changes in the change log for version 2.11.0.
- If your subscription expired you can renew your subscription with 25% discount.
- Check how easily you can update DJ-MediaTools.
- Visit DJ-MediaTools product page to see all the features of our DJ-MediaTools extension.
Let us know in the comment what do you want to see in the next release!