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New to DJ-Extensions?
dj-megamenu 3.5.0
26 November, 2021
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Accessible Joomla Mega Menu Extension.

Another Awesome Update of DJ-MegaMenu

26 November, 2021

The latest DJ-MegaMenu 3.5.0 version brings more awesome features for desktop and mobile menus. You can now create responsive full-width submenus with percentage-divided columns or change the base/root item for the displayed menu tree. We've improved menu accessibility, displaying huge submenus in the sticky menu mode and rendering an off-canvas mobile menu.

Full Width Submenu [Pro Version]

Responsiveness is one of the key assumptions when creating a modern website. While the mobile menu version is the best solution for phones, your website navigation should also fit the available window width for tablets in horizontal view or all different desktop resolutions. This is why we've added the feature to display a fully responsive submenus in the mega menu.

joomla mega menu full width submenu

"Base Item" to Start the Menu from [Free & Pro Version]

This is a known feature of the standard Joomla menu module, which allows the display of the menu from the selected menu item as a root. It allows the rendering of the menu starting from the second or higher level of the menu. You must choose the base item and set the start level to one higher than the selected menu item.

dj-megamenu base item

is how the menu will render with these settings:

base item front

Submenu Scrolling in the Sticky Menu Mode [Pro Version]

The submenu layout of the mega menu in sticky menu mode has been updated to allow users to access all the submenu elements even if they are higher than the window height - in such a case, an additional scroll for the submenu is displayed.

scrolling submenu in joomla mega menu

Page Rendering for Off-canvas Mobile Menu [Free & Pro Version]

The off-canvas mobile menu option requires additional wrapper containers for the whole page body. We have added the option to add those containers on the server side instead of creating them through Javascript. This prevents unnecessary page repainting and fixes issues such as not working HTML5 video autoplay.

dj-megamenu system plugin offcanvas wrappers

Another New Features:

  • Accessibility support has been added for mobile menu open and close buttons and icons. We have also added aria-label and aria-hidden attributes for menu elements to improve compatibility with screen readers.
  • Opening the submenu in the mobile menu on the desktop was fixed - there was a bug that forced me to click the "plus" icon twice to open the submenu. One, you need to click only once.