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06 April, 2023
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The 5 things you need to know about WordPress

06 April, 2023

More than 455 million websites are powered by WordPress. It's a perfect content management system for non-profits, small or large businesses, and many others. Our blog post covers 5 cool things about WordPress we’ve discovered in the 15 years we’ve been developing in WordPress. 

If you do not have any technical knowledge, but plan on creating a website with WordPress, you have come to the right place. Our content is beginner friendly and has the purpose of familiarizing you with the most important information when it comes to WordPress. Keep in mind that if you decide to build a website using this content management system, you will need to purchase a WordPress-optimized hosting solution.

WordPress is highly customizable

WordPress is highly customizable and scalable. It is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, and it powers over 40% of all websites on the internet. One of the main reasons for its popularity is its flexibility and versatility.

WordPress is an open-source platform, which means that its source code is available to everyone. This makes it easy for developers to modify and extend its functionality to meet the specific needs of their clients. There are thousands of themes and plugins available that allow you to customize your WordPress site's appearance and functionality without writing a single line of code.

Additionally, WordPress is multipurpose. It can handle everything from small personal blogs to large corporate websites with millions of visitors. It can be an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes that need to manage a large amount of content.

Whether you're a small business owner or a large corporation, WordPress can help you create a professional-looking website that meets your specific needs. With its flexibility and scalability, it is a platform that can grow and evolve as your business does. 

WordPress offers a vast range of themes and plugins to extend its functionality

WordPress offers a vast range of themes and plugins to extend its functionality. One of the biggest advantages of using WordPress as your CMS is the ability to customize your site's appearance and add new features easily using themes and plugins.

Themes are pre-designed templates that allow you to change your site's look and feel quickly. WordPress has thousands of themes available, ranging from free to premium, which means that you can find one that suits your style and budget. With a theme, you can customize your site's layout, typography, color scheme, and other design elements without having to know how to code.

Plugins, on the other hand, are small pieces of software that add new features and functionality to your site. With over 58,000 plugins available in the WordPress Plugin Repository, you can easily find a plugin to extend your site's functionality in almost any way imaginable. Some popular examples of WordPress plugins include contact forms, social media sharing buttons, e-commerce solutions, and SEO optimization tools.

By using themes and plugins, you can tailor your site to your specific needs, making it unique and memorable. Additionally, WordPress's active community of developers ensures that new themes and plugins are regularly added, providing you with a continuously expanding range of customization options.

In conclusion, WordPress's vast range of themes and plugins makes it a highly customizable and versatile platform. Whether you want to improve your site's functionality or enhance its visual appeal, you can find a theme or plugin to meet your specific needs.

WordPress is easy to use

WordPress is easy to use, even for beginners. If you're new to website design and development, WordPress is an excellent choice for your CMS because of its intuitive interface and user-friendly features.

The user interface is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward, making it easy for anyone to create a website quickly. The platform comes with an extensive range of tools and features that allow you to customize your site's design, add new pages, and publish content quickly and easily.

One of the key features of WordPress is its visual editor, which allows you to create pages and posts using a drag-and-drop interface. This means that you can design your site without having to write any code, which makes it accessible to people with little to no coding experience.

Additionally, WordPress has an extensive support community, which means that you can easily find answers to any questions you may have. Whether you're looking for tutorials, forums, or documentation, there's always someone available to help you.

Overall, WordPress's ease of use makes it a popular choice for beginners and experts alike. Whether you're looking to build a personal blog or a professional website, WordPress provides you with all the tools you need to create a high-quality website with minimal effort.

WordPress is SEO optimized

Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical for attracting traffic to your website, and WordPress is designed to help you optimize your site's content and structure for search engines.

WordPress's structure is optimized for SEO. Its clean code and hierarchical structure make it easy for search engine bots to crawl and index your site's pages. Additionally, WordPress allows you to customize your site's permalinks, which are the URLs that point to your site's pages. By using descriptive permalinks, you can make it easier for search engines to understand the content of your site's pages.

WordPress also offers a range of SEO plugins that can help you optimize your site's content further. They provide you with tools to optimize your site's meta tags, sitemaps, and social media sharing settings. These plugins also analyze your site's content and provide recommendations for improving your on-page SEO.

Finally, WordPress's blogging capabilities make it easy for you to create and publish fresh, relevant content regularly. Search engines love fresh content, and by regularly updating your site with new blog posts, you can improve your site's search engine ranking and attract more traffic to your site.

In conclusion, WordPress's SEO optimization features make it a powerful tool for attracting traffic to your website. By optimizing your site's structure, permalinks, and content, and using plugins to enhance your site's SEO, you can improve your site's search engine ranking and attract more visitors to your site.

WordPress has a large and supportive community

WordPress has an active community of users and developers, which makes it easy to find help and support when you need it.

One of the key benefits of using WordPress is its vast community of users and developers who are always willing to share their knowledge and experience. You can find answers to any question you may have by joining WordPress forums, Facebook groups, and online communities. Additionally, WordPress has an extensive documentation library, which provides detailed information on every aspect of the platform.

WordPress's community is also responsible for developing thousands of plugins and themes, which can help you extend the functionality of your site quickly and easily. If you have a specific need for your site, chances are that there's a plugin or theme available that can help you achieve it. And if there isn't, you can always ask the community for help, and someone may be able to develop a custom solution for you.

Furthermore, WordPress holds regular meetups and WordCamps around the world, which provide an excellent opportunity for developers and users to connect, share their knowledge and experiences, and learn about the latest trends and developments in the platform. These events are a great way to network, build relationships, and learn from some of the most experienced WordPress users and developers in the world.

WordPress's large and supportive community is one of the platform's most significant strengths. With a vast range of resources, documentation, and user-generated content available, you can easily find help and support for any aspect of your website's development. And with regular meetups and WordCamps, you can connect with other users and developers, build relationships, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the WordPress world.


If we are to recommend a CMS to use for building your website, we would still say WordPress. It has been proven and tested for years now. And unlike any other software, free WordPress has a lot to offer. You just need to invest time and interest to be successful with it.