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New to DJ-Extensions?

Joomla Rating
& Commenting Extension


Are you looking for free versatile rating and reviews solution for Joomla? With DJ-Reviews, you can customize rating criteria for different content types and empower users to write reviews and rate articles, DJ-Classifieds adverts, DJ-Catalog products, and J2Store products effortlessly.

Ratings, Reviews, Comments

dj-reviews comments view

You can define your own criteria and set the weight of each of them.

A weight of criteria will be used to calculate the overall rating.

Easy Submission

write your review pop-up view

Fast and neat way to post a review.

Submission of the new rating/review/comment is really easy. The elegant lightbox appears and the user can submit the review easily.

Rating Groups

rating groups panel view

Set the criterias as you want.

You can group rating criteria and assign a group for each type of content:

  • Joomla articles
  • DJ-Classifieds items (ads)
  • DJ-Classifieds advertisers
  • DJ-Catalog2 products
  • J2Store products

Rating Criteria

Define your own criterias and their weight.

You can define your own criteria and set weight of each of them. Weight (importance) of criteria will be used to calculate overall rating.

Reviews Module

List reviews

This module allows you to display reviews in any module position! You can, for example, create "5 Latest Best Reviews"

Words Blacklist

Choose the bad words you want to blacklist.

Defined words can be blacklisted and will be automatically changed to *****.

Objects Module

List rated objects like products, articles, ads, etc.

With this module you can list rated objects in any module position. You can for example create:

  • 5 Best rated articles
  • 10 Worst rated products
  • 15 Most reviewed ads
  • 20 Less reviewed advertisers


Free plugins

DJ Reviews/rating and reviews extension for Joomla works with several components. It works with:

  • Joomla articles
  • DJ-Catalog2
  • DJ-Classifieds (ads + advertisers)
  • J2Store

Joomla Articles Support

User can review and rate Joomla articles.

The rating in the form of stars will be displayed in the article as well as on the blog of the articles.

DJ-Catalog2 Product’s Rating

Allow to rate and review products.

Products from DJ-Catalog2 can be rated and the rating along with the reviews will be displayed under each product as well as in the blog/table view.

DJ-Classifieds Ads Rating

Allow to rate and review classified ads.

With the dedicated plugin, users can rate and review the DJ-Classifieds items.

DJ-Classifieds Advertiser Ratings

Allow to rate and review advertisers.

You can also allow to rate and review the DJ-Classifieds advertisers easily. This is a really good option to allow users to indicate which seller/advertiser is the best choice for others.

J2Store Product Ratings and Reviews

Allow to rate and review J2Store products.

J2Store integration allows you to rate and review the store items. Rating will be visible in the list of products as well as in product details along with the reviews.

DJ-Reviews Features

developers icon
For Developers

Create your own theme that fits your website. Disable the regular button if you need another trigger

submissions icon
Easy Submissions

Display the review form in the popup or below your content in a regular way.

integrations icon
Well Integrated

Works with Joomla Articles, DJ-Cassifieds items and users, J2Store products and DJ-Catalog2 products.

setup options icon
Rich Setup Options

Choose the default avatar for guests and registered users, date format, limits etc.

customization ratings icon
Customize the Ratings and Reviews

Set own criteria and their weight to calculate the overall rating. Group them for better organization.

multiple and single reviews icon
Multiple or Single Reviews

Users can be limited to review one item only or review the items multiple times.

blacklist and wishlist icon
Blacklist & Whitelist

Filter any words you do not want to appear in the review and whitelist those you want to appear.

modules icon

Use one of the available modules to display ratings and objects anywhere on your website.

backend management icon
Easy Backend Management

You can easily manage all the ratings in the backend from a neat list.

premissions icon
Flexible Permissions

Allow reviewing for registered users of any Joomla user group or unregistered guests.

notifications icon
Be Notified

Add any number of emails to be notified about new reviews.

discussion icon
Let the Discussion Flow

Sometimes leaving a review without a comment is not good. You can comment on them too.

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