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DJ-Canonical installation

Contents: DJ-Canonical can help with SEO on your website by providing the canonical link (in the website's source code) that is read by the search engines and tells them which URL is the real source of the currently browsed page. In other words - if your page is available from multiple URLs (addresses) - the canonical link will tell the search engine which one is preferred and which one should be indexed. What is a canonical link According to Wikipedia: A canonical link element is an HTML element that helps webmasters prevent...

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DJ-Canonical plugin

Contents: Plugin To access the plugin, go to Extensions -> Plugins and search for DJ-Canonical. This is how the plugin look like in the backend: Default URL - Provide your best, default URL you want to be used in the canonical link tag link Excluded components - select components you want to be excluded from the plugin to interact with (some components handle the canonical URLs themself and you may want to exclude those here) Cut parameters - Enable this feature if you want the plugin to cut the parameters and not include them in the canonical tag link URL parameter - Here you...

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