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New to DJ-Extensions?

Configuration / Options

Let's take a look at the DJ-Catalog2 component configuration. Click the Global settings button which is located on the DJ-Catalog2 side menu, then you will see this window:

General Settings

Theme settings

  • Theme - choose component's theme. To start creating your own theme, create /components/com_djcatalog2/themes/YOUR_THEME/ folder and copy css folder from /components/com_djcatalog2/themes/default/ to YOUR_THEME folder. It is not required to copy js folder nor any other files from default folder, unless you will be making changes in the component's JavaScript. From now, you can alter the CSS code within your own theme.

Do not remove or modify the default folder!

  • Use Theme CSS when disabled, no CSS files from any (selected nor default) theme will be included. Useful if you wich to style the component on your own, within your Joomla! template. It will also prevent responsive CSS files from being loaded.
  • Responsive support - It will add CSS media queries for mobile devices.
  • Include Bootstrap CSS - Disable this option if your template or website has its own CSS Bootstrap implementation. Otherwise this option might have to be enabled and Joomla! core CSS will be used.
  • Include Bootstrap JS - Disable this option if your template or website has its own Bootstrap framework implementation. Otherwise this option will have to be enabled and Joomla! core framework will be used.
  • Include jQuery UI - By default this option has to be enabled, because some of component scripts require jQuery UI scripts which are not provided by Joomla!. However, if you use another 3rd party jQuery UI library and there won't be any issue, you may try disabling this option.
  • Date-time format - Formatting of full date-time values.
  • Date format - Formatting of dates only.
  • "Latest" label days - Maximum number of days since creation date a product should be tagged with "latest" label.

Cache settings

  • Cached pages – select types of pages which you wish to be cached.
Joomla! Cache needs to be enabled!

File upload

  • Image formats - Comma separated list of allowed image extensions.
  • Attachment formats - Comma-separated list of allowed attachment extensions.
  • Valid file captions - Leave empty to allow any caption or put each caption into separate line to make restriction.
  • Attachment groups - You can create pre-defined groups for attachments (each name in new line) in order to segregate files based on their group.
  • Max. attachments - Enter the maximum number of files which users should be allowed to upload. Set negative (e.g. -1) to allow uploading unlimited number of files in the back-end.
  • Multiple Image Upload - Enable multiple image upload.
  • Multiple Attachment Upload - Enable multiple attachments upload 
  • Images import path - Enter relative path of a directory to which you wish to upload files before they are imported. Format: /lorem/ipsum
  • Attachments import path - Enter relative path of a directory to which you wish to upload files before they are imported. Format: /lorem/ipsum

Contact forms settings

  • Contact form – Contact form allows guest to ask question about particular product.
  • Contact form recipients – Enter new-line separated list of email addresses to which contact message should be delivered.
  • Use user's email as sender – Warning! Enabling this option may result in not delivering emails or treating them as SPAM. Most servers will reject mails when supplied sender doesn't match the real email account from which message is being sent. If this option is disabled, global email address from Joomla! configuration will be used.
  • Captcha – Captcha settings for users that are not logged-in.
  • Company name – Choose whether field should be hidden, required or optional.
  • Street – Choose whether field should be hidden, required or optional.
  • City – Choose whether field should be hidden, required or optional.
  • Post code – Choose whether field should be hidden, required or optional.
  • Country – Choose whether field should be hidden, required or optional.
  • State – Choose whether field should be hidden, required or optional.
  • Phone – Choose whether field should be hidden, required or optional.
  • Privacy policy agreement  Adds required checkbox field that ensures that user submitting the form agrees to process his data.
  • Data protection agreement – Adds required checkbox field that ensures that user submitting the form agrees to process his data.
  • Send a copy – Checkbox that allows user to receive a copy of the message that is being sent.

Currency / price settings

  • Price for registered only – Choose 'yes' if you want to display prices for logged-in users only.
  • Price unit – Enter a price currency unit.
  • Thousand separator – Choose between white space, comma, apostrophe or none.
  • Decimal separator – Choose between comma, period or none.
  • Decimal points – Select a number of decimal points.
  • Unit side – Chooses Left or Right side to display a price currency unit.
  • Prices include tax – This setting indicate whether all prices stored in database should be treated as they already contain tax or not.
  • Displayed price – Choose which price should be displayed.
  • Show tax – Select yes if you want to display tax amount next to the price.
  • Default client type – Newly created users and users that haven't been assigned to any type will be assigned this value.

Map settings

  • Google Maps API Key (Browser) – Enter your google maps api key for browser.
  • Google Maps API Key (Server) – Enter your google maps api key for server.
  • Initial address – Default address which the map will be focused on.
  • Map type – Select which type of map do you want to use.
  • Custom styles (!) WarningIncorrect usage will most likely break the maps completely. Paste the code for custom map styles. Examples can be found on snazzymaps.com .
  • Zoom – Default map zoom.
  • Map width – Enter valid CSS value, e.g. 100% or 400px.
  • Map height – Enter valid CSS value, e.g. 100% or 400px.
  • Category filter – Enables category filtering in Map view.
  • Producer filter – Enables producer filtering in Map view.
  • Location search – Allows to search products by address within given radius.
  • Places autocomplete - Enables Google's Places API for location search.
  • Display radius unit - Select yes if you want to display radius unit. 
  • Radius search default unit - Select default unit of radius search.
  • Link to Google Maps – Displays a link within each marker that will direct users to Google Maps page.

Social sharing & commenting

  • Product rating - Enables simple star rating for products.
  • Rating access - Select who has access to rating the products.
  • Social buttons code – Paste your own code that displays social/share buttons etc..
  • Social buttons position – Choose where your custom code should appear.
  • Social code pages – Choose on which pages should the social buttons code appear.
  • Comments – Choose comments system.
  • Import Facebook SDK – It is required by Facebook Comments if they are enabled. Disable this if your website imports Facebook API in some other way.
  • DISQUS name – Enter your websitre's DISQUS shortname (without .discqus.com).
  • Footer – choose Yes or No to display a link to design-joomla.eu add-ons.


Category layout settings

  • Catalog Mode – Turning on this option will result in displaying only the products assigned to the currently browsed category. If you set to No, component will retrieve products from all sub-categories.
  • Page heading override – Select yes if you want to override Page Heading (menu item settings) with either custom heading or the name.
  • Category name – Show or hide category name.
  • Category information – Show or hide category information.
  • Category images – Choose if category images should be visible within categry description.
  • Category order – This global setting allows to select wheter categories should always be sorted by their name or 'ordering' attribute. Ths setting affects category filter, subcategories and categories module.


Sub-categories layout settings

  • Sub-Categories – Select show if you want to display sub-categories.
  • Sub-Categories Header – Show or hide a sub-category header.
  • Columns – Enter a number of columns to display sub-categories.
  • Description – Show or hide a sub-category description.
  • Truncate description – Turning on this option will remove all html tags from the description.
  • Description length – Enter a number limit of a sub-category description characters, leave 0 to display all characters. Remember to choose Yes for the Truncate description option to see the effect.
  • Sub-category image – Choose between showing the image in the slimbox or as a category link. You can disable displaying image.
  • Read more – Show or hide a read more link.
  • Show children – Displays child categories of each sub-category.

Product list

Items layout general settings

Product filtering

Product layout

Location settings

RSS settings

Product page

Single product page layout settings

Related items

Variants settings

Location settings

Map settings

Compare page

Product layout

Location settings

Producers list

List of producers layout settings

Producer categories settings


General cart settings


Shopping cart settings

Query cart settings

Image processing

Global settings

TIP! How to calculate the small image width:

Ws = (Wl - S * (TC - 1)) / TC
- Ws - small image width
- Wl - large image width
- TC - number of small images you want to display below large image
- S - space between small images = (2 * padding) + horizontal spacing

Watermark settings

DJ-MediaTools (DJ-MT) Integration

Category image settings (optional - leave empty to apply global settings)

Producer image settings (optional - leave empty to apply global settings)

SEO Settings

Search Engine Friendly URLs settings

Front-end edit

Front-end product submission / management

Location settings

My Items layout settings

Wish list



In permissions tab you can set the permissions for particular DJ-Classifieds actions:
Click the Save & Close button once you have configured all the parameters.

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