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Units management

You can create your own units in DJ-Catalog2. 
This is the powerful feature that allows you to sell computer parts in units, apples in Kilograms, liquids in Liters, or land in square meters. You can even create your custom units.
Each unit can be assigned to any product in any category. 

Units management

You can access the Unit management by opening the DJ-Catalog2 component and clicking on the Units link in the left sidebar.

Once there, you can see the list of available units. By default, we have added the most popular units:

Creating the new Unit

From here, you can click the "New" button (top left) and create the new Unit.
Things you can set in the Unit:
  • Name - your unit name
  • Unit symbol - set any symbol for your unit, that can be, for example, kg, m, l, pc, etc.
  • Type – select a type of unit (Other, Length, Weight, Capacity)
  • Default - set if this is the default unit for all the products
  • Display input - displays quantity input box. Please note that when this option is disabled, adding the product to the cart will add the minimum possible value.
  • Display unit - displays the unit symbol after quantity box. 
  • Display +/- buttons - Displays the buttons allowing to increase or decrease the quantity. 
  • Is Integer - set if you want it to be a number only
  • Lowest value - lowest possible value, e.g.: 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0,001
  • Maximum value - maximum possible value. Enter 0.0000 if you do not want to set the maximum value
  • Step - multiplier of the lowest value. Should be greater or equal than lowest value, e.g., 1, 5, 0.5
Once you are done with the setup, you can save the unit by clicking the top left button.

Setting the unit in the product

When you are creating or editing the product, you can choose the Unit for it.

Go to DJ-Catalog2 → Products and edit or create a new product. Now, open the "commerce" tab to see the options.

Choose the correct Unit for your product and click save. From now on, the product is available with the chosen Unit.

Units on front-end

The units tied to the products are displayed on the frontend and are used for cart calculations, notifications, and all places related to the product.