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DJ-Catalog2 Categories

The first step is to create a category.
Click the New Category button from the control panel, and you will be directed to the page:


  • Name – enter the name of the category.
  • Alias – enter an alternate name of the category or leave it blank
  • Language - choose language of the category
  • Parent – the first category will be the Root Category; the next ones can be assigned as subcategories.
  • Published – the status of the category
  • Access – the access level group that is allowed to view this item
  • Created date – created date.
  • Created by – the user who created this
  • Description – enter a category description in the text-area



  • Page heading - an optional text to be used as the heading of the category page in the HTML output
  • Page title – an optional text to be used as the title of the category page in the HTML output
  • Meta description – an optional paragraph to be used as the description of the category in the HTML output
  • Meta key – an optional comma-separated list of keywords or phrases to be used in the HTML output


  • Caption – enter an alternate text for the category image
  • Image – browse and select the category image.
  • Delete – check the box and save the category if you would like to delete the image (this option appears if you first add the image and save the category)


Create additional description sections for product page

General settings

Theme settings

  • Theme - choose a theme for the component view. To start creating your own theme, copy all contents from /components/com_djcatalog2/themes/default to /components/com_djcatalog2/themes/YOUR_THEME. Do not remove or modify the default folder!
  • Use Theme CSS - When disabled, no CSS files from any theme will be included. Useful when you wish to style the component on your own, within your Joomla! template. It will also prevent responsive CSS files from being loaded.
  • responsive support – It will add CSS media queries for mobile devices
  • Include Bootstrap CSS - Disable this option if your template or website has its own CSS Bootstrap implementation. Otherwise this option might have to be enabled and Joomla! core CSS will be used.
  • Include Bootstrap JS - Disable this option if your template or website has its own Bootstrap framework implementation. Otherwise this option will have to be enabled and Joomla! core framework will be used.

Contact form settings

  • contact form – show or hide "Ask about this product" form

Currency / price settings

  • price for registered only – choose between prices visible for all or only for registered users
  • Price unit – enter a price currency unit
  • Thousand separator – choose between white space, comma, apostrophe, or none.
  • Decimal separator – choose between a comma, period, or none.
  • Decimal points – select a number of decimal points.
  • Unit side – chooses the Left or Right side to display a price currency unit.


  • Catalog Mode – turning on this option will result in displaying only the products assigned to the currently browsed category. If you set to No, the component will retrieve products from all sub-categories.
  • Page heading override - Select if you want to override Page Heading (menu item settings) with either custom heading or the name
  • Category name – Show or hide category name.
  • Category information – Show or hide category information.
  • Category images – Choose if category images should be visible within the category description.


  • Sub-Categories – Show or Hide a sub-category
  • Sub-Categories Header – Show or Hide a sub-category header.
  • Columns – enter a number of columns to display sub-categories.
  • Description – Show or Hide a sub-category description
  • Truncate description – turning on this option will remove all HTML tags from the description.
  • Description length – enter a number limit of a sub-category description character, leave 0 to display all characters. Remember to choose Yes for the Truncate description option to see the effect.
  • Sub-category image – Choose between showing the image in the slim box or as a category link. You can disable displaying image.
  • Read more – Show or Hide a read more link.
  • Show children – Displays child categories of each sub-category

Product list

Items layout general settings

  • Products per page – enter a number of products per page.
  • List layout – select a layout of products list.
  • Layout changer – allows visitors to switch between grid/table layouts.
  • Columns – enter a number of columns to display products.
  • Default order – choose the default way of products ordered
  • Default order direction – choose the default direction of products ordering.
  • Category ordering priority - when default product order is set to 'ordering' you can select if products should be first sorted by category's ordering or not.

Product filtering

  • Show archived - choose Yes if you want to display archived products
  • Only with images - choose Yes if you want to display only products with images
  • Featured only – choose Yes if you want to display featured products only
  • Featured first – choose Yes if you want to display featured products first.
  • Category Filter – Show or Hide a category search filter.
  • Category filter type – Select how category filter should work - All Categories: displays all published categories, Active branch: displays all categories in the current branch, starting from top-level parent category, Direct parent branch: displays immediate parent category and all its children.
  • Producer filter – Show or Hide a producer search filter.
  • Price filter – Min/max price filter
  • Search filter – Show or Hide a search filter.
  • Location search - Allows to search products by address within given radius
  • Country / State filter - Displays either filtering by country, state or both.
  • A-Z filter – Display A-Z (alpha index) filter
  • Alphabet letters – Comma-separated list of letters in the alphabet that you wish to display in the alphabetical filter. Leave empty to use the default list
  • A-Z: Check letters availability – When enabled, the component will check the database if there are any products starting with each letter. This feature needs lot of server resources, so please disable it, if you have many products in your database or the website becomes unresponsive.
  • Category ordering – Show or Hide sorting by category
  • Producer ordering – Show or Hide sorting by producer
  • Name ordering – Show or Hide sorting by name
  • Price ordering – Show or Hide sorting by price
  • Create date ordering - Show or Hide sorting by creation date

Product layout

  • Producer name – display a producer name as link to producer lightbox, as text, as link to producer description or hide
  • Category name - display category name
  • Producer name - display producer name
  • Price – show price always, only if>0 (if the price is higher than 0) or hide
  • Old price – Choose if you want to display old price if a product has special price defined
  • Show SKU - display SKU of the product, if available
  • Author – Allows to display name of the author or link to its products
  • Hits – Number of how many times product page has been displayed
  • Created date – Product's creation date
  • Publish date – Product's publishing date
  • Show labels - choose whether you wish to display product labels
  • Extra attributes – Show or Hide extra attributes (extra fileds)
  • Cart button – Displays 'Add to cart' button when Cart is enabled and product is available
  • Description – Show or Hide a product description
  • Truncate description – turning on this option will remove all html tags from the description
  • Description length – enter a number limit of description characters, leave 0 to display all characters. Remember to choose Yes for the Truncate description option to see the effect
  • Product image – Choose between showing the image in the slimbox or as a product link. You can disable displaying image
  • Second image - Select if you want to display the second image as hover effect
  • Readmore – Show or Hide a read more link
  • Preview link - displays a button that opens pop-up window with product preview
  • Show wish-list button - display add to wish list button
  • Rating - Displays product rating

Location settings

  • Location details – Displays location details (address) in product view
  • Combine location fields - TABLE VIEW ONLY! All fields that refer to location can be either displayed each in separate columns or in single one (combined)
  • Country – show or hide country
  • City – show or hide city
  • Address – show or hide address
  • Postcode – show or hide postcode
  • Phone no. – show or hide phone no.
  • Mobile phone no. – show or hide mobile no.
  • FAX no. – show or hide FAX no.
  • Website address – show or hide website
  • Email address – show or hide email

RSS settings

  • Use RSS Feed – Toogles RSS Feeds
  • Use RSS Icon – Display RSS cin un the category page
  • Product limit – Limits the numebr of products in the feed
  • Default Order – Choose the way products are oredered be default
  • Default Order Direction – Choose the default direction of products ordering
  • Description type – Decide whether to use intro or full description in the feed or none.
  • Image – Use product's image in RSS feed
  • Readmore – Display readmore

Product page

  • Page heading override - Select if you want to override Page Heading (menu item settings) with either custom heading or the name
  • Product images – choose if product images should be visible within the description
  • Category name – display a category name as link, as text or hide
  • Producer name – display a producer name as link to producer lightbox, as text, as a link to producer description or hide
  • Price – show price always, only if>0 (if the price is higher than 0) or hide
  • Show SKU - display SKU of the product, if available
  • Old price – Choose if you want to display an old price if a product has a special price defined
  • Author – Allows displaying the name of the author or link to its products
  • Hits – Number of how many times the product page has been displayed
  • Created date – Product's creation date
  • Publish date – Product's publishing date
  • Show labels - Choose whether you with to display product labels
  • Group attributes - When a product is assigned to multiple groups of extra fields, this setting allows to either display attributes in single table or separate tables - including group names
  • Cart button – Displays 'Add to Cart' button when Cart is enabled and the product is available
  • Intro description – Displays intro description before the full description
  • Navigation – display next/prev links
  • Print button - Link to printable version of product page
  • Attachments - Display list of attachments that can be downloaded
  • File information - Display file information below each attachment
  • Comments - Choose if you want to display comments for this item/items in this category
  • Show wish-list button - Display add to wish list button
  • Rating - displays product rating

Related items

Variants settings

Location settings

Map settings