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Producer in dynamic content

Producer dynamic content

Dynamic content attributes

Producer dynamic content has 3 different groups.

  • name - producer's name

  • description - producer's description

  • published - producer's publication date

  • created - producer's creation date

  • modified - producer's modification date

  • producer image - producer's image

  • link - link to producer page

  • link to products - link to products that have assigned this producer

Producer Category
  • name - producer's category name

  • description - producer's category description

  • category image - producer's category image

  • link to category - link to producer's category

  • name - category's author name

  • username - category's author username

  • email - category's author email

  • registered - category's author registration date

  • last visit date - category's author last visit date

  • link - link to category's author contact

  • id - author's id