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Additional elements - compare products

Additional elements - compare products

Compare products element allows rendering compare button for products.

Please make sure that compare option is enabled in the configuration of the DJ-Catalog2 component.

Compare products configuration

To configurate compare products go to DJ-Catalog2 component control panel - Options - Compare page and enable product compare.

Compare products options

  • margin top - choose an option for the top margin

  • position - choose between static, relative, or absolute

  • left - HTML's position property. Available when a position is not static

  • right - HTML's position property. Available when a position is not static

  • top - HTML's position property. Available when a position is not static

  • bottom - HTML's position property. Available when a position is not static

  • z index - choose between 1 and 3 values

  • width/height - Provide width and height for a compare products element

How does it work?

Go to your page, to the list of products and add a new item - compare products. Click it to edit the available options.

Make sure that compare is enabled on the displayed list of products. An option "add to compare" should appear under each product.

Add selected products to the comparison.

Click "compare selected" button.

Compared products view:

Video tutorial