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Extended Products Grid

Extended Products Grid

Extended Products Grid element is strongly recommended for building products list view.

Adding Extended Products Grid element

To use Extended Products Grid, navigate to your section in YooTheme Builder:

Add a new element to the section. Extended Products Grid element is located under the DJ-Catalog2 group:


Extended Products Grid element has 4 tabs:

  • Content - Allows to add new items and set display options. You can decide which content attributes should be displayed by checking show buttons

  • Ordering - This tab allows specifying the ordering of content attributes

  • Settings - This tab allows configuring options for content attributes (for example, position, dimensions)

  • Advanced - This tab is the default one for yootheme elements

Adding dynamic content

To add dynamic content as a source for items' attributes, navigate to Content and click the 'Add Item' button.

You should see a list of attributes for products:

Navigate to the 'Advanced' tab and select the "Products - List View" position, which is located under the "DJ-Catalog2" group.

After the dynamic source is selected, there will appear additional options for Products List view dynamic content.

Now navigate back to the "Content" tab. To assign dynamic content to the specific field, click the 'Dynamic' option and select an attribute. 

Example view made by using Extended Products Grid:

Setting the ordering of attributes.

The "Ordering" tab provides an option to select the order of attributes by drag & drop each attribute from the list.


In the "Settings" tab, you can find options for the whole extended products grid element and options for specific attributes.

General options
  • Panel options

  • Grid options

  • Columns options

  • Other options - Position, Animation

Labels options
  • Labels options - Position, Dimensions

Autolabels options
  • Autolabels options - Position, Dimensions

Product media options
  • Image options - Image, Position

  • Video options - Position, Size

Category options
  • Image options - Image, Position

  • Button options - Postion, Dimensions

Producer options
  • Image options - Image, Position

  • Button options - Postion, Dimensions

Product content
  • Title options

  • Sku options

  • Hits options

  • Availability information options

  • Created by options

  • Created on options

  • Price options

  • Wishlist options

  • Introdescription options

  • Description options

  • Attributes options

Readmore options
  • Button options

Cart options
  • Add to cart options

Product additional options
  • Address options

  • City options

  • Postcode options

  • Country options

  • State options

  • Phone options

  • Mobile options

  • Fax options

  • Website options

  • Email options

  • Rating options

  • Vote options

Content attributes

Navigate to the "Content" tab and select Your item.

You will see the following attributes that are available to set for the Extended Products Grid element:

Product image
Availability information
Created by
Created on
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