DJ-Extension Knowledge Base: DJ-Catalog2 Integrator - Extended Products Grid - Labels - position and dimensions options

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Extended Products Grid - Labels - position and dimensions options


Labels - position and dimensions options

Navigate to the "Settings" tab

To change position and dimensions options for the 'labels' attribute, click the "Labels" button.

You will see the following options:

Margin top - change the margin for 'labels' attribute.

To change the position and size options for the 'labels' attribute, click the checkbox. Additional options will be displayed:

  • position - select static, relative, or absolute position

  • left - set the horizontal position of the element's left edge. Available when position relative or absolute is set

  • right - set the horizontal position of the element's right edge. Available when position relative or absolute is set

  • top - set the horizontal position of the element's top edge. Available when position relative or absolute is set

  • bottom - set the horizontal position of the element's bottom edge. Available when position relative or absolute is set

  • z index - set this element below/above other elements. Available when position relative or absolute is set

  • width - set the width for 'labels' attribute. Provide value in px or %. For example, 200px or 20%

  • height - set the height for 'labels' attribute. Provide value in px or %. For example, 200px or 20%

  • click to position this element inline with the bottom one and the upper one - checking this option will set the attribute inline

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