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Changelog - DJ-Classifieds Integrator

Ver. 1.5 changelog:

  • (+) Item/Items template 'Limit by Regions' option
  • (+) 'Custom Profiles' new content source
  • (+) Ad 'Author's Region' new section
  • (+) Custom Ads 'Only with Auction' param
  • (+) Ad's 'Auction (0/1)' content field
  • (+) Site's 'Current Category/Region name' content fields
  • (+) Site's 'Current Category description' content field
  • (+) profile image svg support
  • (+) Plan's 'ID' content field
  • (+) Ad/Profile 'img path' additional content field for image type extra fields
  • (+) templates flat cats list replaced with cats tree
  • (+) names instead of labels in extra fields content fields lists
  • (!) undefined 'djcfcontext' warnings FIX
  • (!) getting author data when empty djcf profile FIX
  • (!) 'Sort Select' element loosing URL vars FIX
  • (!) Custom Categories order by title backward compatibility FIX
  • (!) 'undefined types_operator' warning FIX
  • (!) getting author items count from item template FIX
  • (!) CustomAds 'Follow Category' in item page FIX
  • (!) 'Deprecated: trim(): Passing null' warning FIX
  • (!) Ad/Profile Region 'Country ISO' display FIX
  • (!) plan params content fields FIX
  • (!) ask form document.formvalidator undefined js error FIX
  • (!) lang tweaks

Ver. 1.4:

    • + Ad 'Auction form' content field
    • + Ad 'Auction timer' content field
    • + Ad 'Buy Now form' content field
    • + Ad 'Map' HTML content field
    • + Ad Category 'Path' content field
    • + Ad Region 'Path' content field
    • + Ad 'Start date ([..] ago)' content field
    • + Ad 'Renew' link content field
    • + Ad 'Renew date' content field
    • + Ad 'Type name' content field
    • + Ad 'New (0/1)' status content field
    • + Profile 'Map' HTML content field
    • + Profile 'Profile Field Group' option
    • + Profile lastVisit/register dates ([..] ago) content fields
    • + Profile 'Items count' content field
    • + Profile 'User Access Levels' content field
    • + Profile 'User Groups' content field
    • + Custom Ads 'Hide current Ad' option
    • + Custom Ads 'Types operator' filter
    • + 'Show label' option in 'Favourite Button'
    • + search form's 'Hide subcategories/subregions' options
    • + search form's select 'Target order' param
    • ! 'Default image source' component param support
    • ! Ad intro desc. from desc. if don't exists
    • ! Ad 'Promotions' moved to main section
    • ! 'Favourite Button' full advanced tab
    • ! form elements 'CSS' params label/desc FIX
    • ! Ad fields missing 'limit' filter FIX
    • ! Ad 'Contact' missing 'limit' filter FIX
    • ! Ad region level FIX
    • ! 'Hidden in forms' profile fields display FIX
    • ! 'Load items with Ajax' menu items ignore
    • ! blog favourite items template match FIX
    • ! 'Favourite Button' fill icon FIX
    • ! Grid 'Favourite Button' layout FIX
    • ! Ad 'NEW label' display FIX
    • ! search form config improvements
    • ! Profile's region content fields FIX
    • ! djclassifieds component unistall errors FIX
    • ! 'Load image eagerly' option in multiple elements
    • ! ProfileHelper warnings FIX
    • ! 'Select' search form element's unused 'Multiple' option removed
    • ! not showing item/profile forms if ID not provided
    • ! Custom Ads 0 limit FIX
    • ! 'Add to fav.' element's ID field desc.
    • ! Custom Ads regions filter FIX
    • ! Custom Ads filters 'Follow Category' cat. operator hide FIX
    • ! Custom Ads filters reorder
    • ! cat/reg tree lists optimisation
    • ! grid element's config tweaks
    • ! list element's config tweaks
    • ! panel slider element's config tweaks

    ver. 1.1.3

    • (!) visibility of the contact form for users who are not logged in or not logged in (depending on DJ-Classifieds settings)
    • (+) css classes for promoted ads (you can now style promoted ads in custom.css - child theme)

    ver. 1.1.2

    • (!) Fixed problem with limiting values of "Custom Ads" and "Custom Categories"
    • (!) Fixed problem with displaying "Custom Ads" results if no promotion selected
    • (!) Fixed errors and warnings generated by php 8.x
    • (!) Problem with sorting results corrected
    • (+) Adding the possibility to configure DJ-Classifieds search section
    • (!) Fixed problem with filtering Ad Fields by field
    • (!) Fixed problem with displaying Contact form in Profile Box element

    ver. 1.1.1

    • (!) Fixed problem with limiting values of "Custom Ads" and "Custom Categories"
    • (!) Fixed problem with displaying "Custom Ads" results if no promotion selected
    • (!) Fixed errors and warnings generated by php 8.x
    • (!) Problem with sorting results corrected
    • (+) Adding the possibility to configure DJ-Classifieds search section

    ver. 1.1

    • (+) Added possibility to filter by promotion type for "Custom Ads"
    • (+) Added possibility to filter by location for "Custom Ads"
    • (+) Added possibility to link ads by region for "Related Ads"
    • (!) Fix problem with internal plugin integration
    • (!) Fixed problem with filtering regions by parent in "Custom Regions"
    • (+) Added "-Root-" option in parent "Custom Regions" filters
    • (!) Fixed problem with contact form on profile view "Profile Box"