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New to DJ-Extensions?

Available field types

The DJ-ContentFilters extension allows building search mechanisms based on Joomla's additional fields. In the following tutorial, you'll learn what types are available in DJ-ContentFilters and how to link them to additional fields in your Joomla.


Due to the fact that DJ-ContentFilters only works in the context of a category blog. The additional fields we want to apply cannot be assigned to all categories. All fields that we intend to apply within a category should be assigned to the blog category or its children

Category select

It is a select field that allows us to filter the results by Joomla categories.

The category field is required to correctly display fields that are assigned to a category other than the parent search category


Creating a Joomla field

Insert builder element


Creating a Joomla field

Insert builder element


< - The selected date must be smaller than the value of the field

<= - The selected date must be less than or equal to the value of the field

= - The selected date must be less than or equal to the value of the field

>= - The date entered must be greater than or the same as the date in the field

> - The date entered must be greater than the field date


Creating a Joomla field

Insert builder element

Range input

Creating a Joomla field

Insert builder element

Select input

Creating a Joomla field

Insert builder element


It's the essential YooTheme "Button" builder element, extended with additional parameters. For a single button, we can assign one of the following actions :

  • Submit ( Default ) - Causes the DJ-ContentFilters to form to be sent
  • Reset - Causes all selected values to be reset and then send the DJ-ContentFilters form