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DJ-CookieMonster plugin

To access the plugin, go to Extensions -> Plugins and search for DJ-CookieMonster.

This plugin has 4 different tabs:

Plugin tab

  • Theme - choose from 9 styles, learn more about available styles
  • Test mode - enable to test how the plugin work. In this mode, the plugin will be visible on every page refresh, so you can match settings to your preferences
  • Show once - the message will be displayed only once, at the first visit
  • Display for registered - displays the information also for logged users
  • Cookie time - enter number of days during which the cookie alert will not be displayed, once the time set in this setting pass, the cookie notification will be displayed again
  • Width - set the width in % or px. You can define here the width of the content area, not the width of the whole plugin
  • Message Source - you can choose whether to display a standard notification or custom message in the HTML module
    • If you choose Plugin, you define fields Message header and Message below
    • If you choose Module, you need to set a module with the desired content
  • Message header - This heading will be displayed at the top of the plugin area. If you leave this empty, no header will be displayed (Message Source - Plugin)
  • Message - Here, you need to enter a description that will be displayed in the content area of the plugin. If you leave this empty, default message will be used (Message Source - Plugin)
  • Module - Use this if you selected a custom module as the source of the message (Message Source - Module). You will see here a select list with available modules. Each of them has a name, ID, and selected language.

Close button

This element is a button that the user needs to click in order to accept your cookie policy. After accepting the terms, DJ-CookieMonster won't show up on the user computer until the time declared in Cookie Time has elapsed. This button is visible in all themes, but it's look and location depend on selected theme.

  • Close button text - It's a text visible on the button. if you leave this empty, default value will be used
  • Close button title attribute - enable title attribute for the close button. The title attribute specifies extra information about an element. The information is shown as a tooltip text when the mouse moves over the element:
  • Close button aria-label attribute - enable aria-label attribute for the close button. The aria-label attribute is used to define a string that labels the current element. It's very important for websites with WCAG & ADA support.

Policy link

  • Policy URL - URL address of cookie policy article. A link will be displayed after the content. You can enter here relative or absolute path.
  • Policy URL label - for example, "read more" leave it empty for the default setting
  • Policy URL target - choose if you want to open link in the same or new window

Style specific settings

You can find screenshots for each theme and specific style settings here.


Here's a list of cookies used by DJ-CookieMonster if you want to include it on your list of cookies used on the website. This can be useful if you want to fully comply with the GDPR.

Cookie Name Purpose Duration
plg_system_djcookiemonster_informed flag used to save the information that visitor closed the message according to plugin settings