Creating new Album
Creating new Album
To display an Album on the frontpage first you need to create new one. Click on the +New button from the Control Panel and you will be directed to the form:
There are only a few parameters required. You'll see them at the first sight. These parameters are:
Title – name your new Album
Parent album – parent is ROOT by default, but you can choose the parent for this Album - new Album will be its child Album
Album source – choose from what source the items will be displayed. Note that a custom item can be assigned only to those albums which Album source is set to Custom items
Upload images
Choose from the server
Add video - playback regular video when user clicks play icon. Paste here the whole link starting with http:// to the video on,,,,, Yahoo Movies or direct URL to local/remote MP4 video.Feature NOT supported in layouts: Nivo Slider and Skitter Slideshow
Beside of this group, there are two other groups of paramteres. If you click button 'Show all options' you'll see:
Status – set publication status
Visible on albums list - choose if this album should be visible on the albums list view
Album image – choose the Album image to display on Albums Grid layout. If you leave this empty the default image will be used
ID - record number in the database
In other tabs, you can see the same options you set in global component configuration. You don't need to set anything here unless you want to change the way this new Album is displayed - those settings will override global and menu settings.
Inherit and empty input means that given value will be taken from general settings. The hierarchy of inheriting from lowest to highest priority: Global component settings » Menu item settings » Album settings
Uploading images
Once you have set basic parameters you can add images to your album. To do this, you can use multiple upload tool. Just drag bunch of image files from your computer and drop them in the upload area.
After uplading images will show above upload area.
When you roll over the image it will turn dark and some icons will show. You can move the image to other place (image order will be saved while saving the album), change its name or delete the image bu clicking cross icon.
When you finish you can save the new Album with one of available saving buttons.
Video tutorial
See our video tutorial - how to create new album on Joomla 4.x on our YouTube channel.
Creating new album - options
You are able to create new album not only from albums list view but also:
- while you're editing article using DJ-MediaTools editor button
- while you're editing module
- while you're editing menu item
Albums list
Here is an example list of created Albums which can be filtered by title, publication status and parent Album.
You can use toolbar buttons on the top right to create new, edit, delete or change publication status of existing Albums.