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Configuration DJ-MediaTools

DJ-MediaTools configuration

Go to Components - DJ-MediaTools - Control Panel - Options

dj-mediatools control panel options view

Options view

Now you can see all the settings in DJ-MediaTools.

dj-mediatools control panel options view

Component Views

Albums Grid View

  • Albums limit per page – set the pagination limit for albums list in the component view. This is at the same time the pagination limit for Albums Grid Module

  • Show album titles – you can hide / show album titles or show title if mouse cursor is over the album using 'On Mouse Over' option

  • Album image width – set the album cover width in pixels

  • Album image height – set the album cover height in pixels

  • Image resizing – select the method of resizing images

  • Image quality – quality of resized images (from 1 to 100). The higher value means better quality, but less compression

Album View

  • Show album title – hide or show album title

  • Show album description – hide or show album description before or after album content

  • Show child albums – hide or show child albums before or after album content

Item View (modal window)

  • Show album title – hide or show album title

  • Show album description – hide or show album description

  • Image zoom enabled – enable or disable image zoom effect

  • Modal window size – choose to open item in fluid modal window (as large as possible) or fixed size window

  • Modal window width – width of fixed size window

  • Modal window height – height of fixed size window

  • Comments – choose from none, Facebook, DISQUS or JComments

  • Import Facebook SDK – it is required by Facebook Comments if they are enabled. Disable this if your website impotrs Facebook API in some other way.

  • Facebook Admins – set the facebook comments moderators by typing comma separated list of the Facebook User IDs / usernames (the last part of the user profile url).

  • Disqus name - set your disqus username

Album settings

Album settings

dj-mediatools album settings view

Album settings

  • Preset - Inherit / None

  • Album layout - choose album layout from the list or overrides in templates

Album settings

  • Sort by -  sort items by ordering (components) / file names (folder) or randomize the ordering.

  • Items limit - set the maximum number of items to be loaded into the album

  • Skip first X items - you can skip first few album items to start displaying album from some desire item

  • Space between images - space between images in pixels

  • Image on-click behavior - choose the action of clicked image. 'Open image in a lightbox' will open a full-size image with a lightbox-like script

  • Video playback - choose whether the full video should be played in the popup window or directly in the slideshow

  • Use watermarks - allows applying watermarks onto images

  • Include Google Fonts - show module include fonts from Google font

  • Show EXIF - show or hide EXIF info from image file

  • EXIF Info - choose which EXIF info show and in what order

Image dimensions

  • Image width - image width in pixels

  • Image height - image height in pixels

  • Image resizing - select the method of resizing images

  • Image quality - Set the quality


  • Images effect - select the images effect transition

  • Ken Burns Effect - slowing zoom and panning the image instead of displaying a static image

  • Transition effect - choose the transition effect from the list

  • Transition effect type - apply the effect at the beginning/end of the transition or leave 'auto' to let the system choose

  • Slide effect duration - set transition effect duration in milliseconds

  • Next item delay - set interval time between items in milliseconds

  • Preload delay time - you can specify the preloading time in milliseconds

  • Loader icon position - choose the loader icon position


  • Position - choose description area position

  • Background color - you can change the background color

  • Effect - choose the animation effect for item descriptions

  • Width - description area width in pixels. Leave empty for 100% width

  • Padding - enter padding for desciption area with unit (px, em or %)

  • Vertical position - set vertical position of description area in pixels from the bottom border of the image

  • Horizontal position - set horizontal position of description area in pixels from the left border of the image

  • Center vertically - choose if you want to center the description vertically and horizontally


  • Autoplay - choose if slider should automaticly start on page load

  • Show play/pause - you can hide or show button for start and stop auto sliding

  • Play Button - select 'Play Button' image to use instead of default image

  • Pause Button - select 'Pause Button' image to use instead of default image

  • Show next/prev - you can hide or show buttons for navigate to next and previous item. You can also show buttons only if mouse cursor is over the slider using 'On Mouse Over' option

  • Previous Button - select 'Previous Button' image to use instead of default image

  • Next Button - select 'Next Button' image to use instead of default image

  • Navigation bar vertical position - set vertical position of navigation bar in pixels from the top of the album

  • Navigation bar horizontal position - set horizontal position (left and right margin) for navigation bar. You can use negative value if you want arrows go outside the album

  • Show dots navigation - show or hide dots slider navigation. It displays direct indicator for each item

  • Dots navigation position - Choose dots navigation (direct item indicators) position

  • Dots navigation alignment - choose dots navigation alignment

Slide settings

dj-mediatools slide settings view


  • Show title - yes/no

  • Link title - yes/no

  • Title limit - limit the number of characters in a slide title to show in a description box

  • Title color - choose the title color and a transparency level, where 1 is not transparent at all, 0.5 is 50% see-through, and 0 is completely transparent. The color can be chosen from the color palette or defined by typing RGBA parameters

  • Title font - enter the name of the selected font. You can use generic system fonts or Google Fonts

  • Title weight

  • Title font size - set the font size by entering the px or em value. Leave the field empty for a default size


  • Show description - yes/no

  • Link description - yes/no

  • Description limit - limit item description to the specified number of characters (the system will cut description after a word containing the character at a specified position). Set to '0' (zero) to disable the limit

  • Description color - choose the description color and a transparency level, where 1 is not transparent at all, 0.5 is 50% see-through, and 0 is completely transparent. The color can be chosen from the color palette or defined by typing RGBA parameters

  • Description font - enter the name of the selected font. You can use generic system fonts or Google Fonts

  • Description font-weight

  • Description font size - set the description size by entering the px or em value. Leave the field empty for a default size


  • Show Readmore - yes/no

Customize border

  • Show border - yes/no

Image Settings

dj-mediatools image settings view

Upload settings

  • Maximum image size (KB) – enter maximum image size in KB

  • Chunk size (KB) – enables you to chunk the file into smaller pieces for example if your php server has a max post size of 1MB you can chunk a 10MB file into 10 requests

  • Maximum resize width (px) – enter maximum width of resized image in px

  • Maximum resize height (px) – enter the maximum height of the resized image in px

  • Resize quality (1-100) – set set to resize quality

Watermark settings

  • Use watermarks - allows to apply watermark into product images

  • Watermark image (PNG) - set the image

  • Watermark size - set the watermark size

  • Watermark position (horizontal) - watermark position (horizontal)

  • Watermark position (vertical) - watermark position (vertical)

File browser settings

  • Use file browser - yes/no

  • File browser paths - you can add more than one folder root where the user can browse the images from. Add each path in a new line


dj-mediatools analytics settings view

Custom items

  • Counting clicks - yes/no

  • Counting views - yes/no

Click the Save & Close button once you have configured all the parameters.

Video tutorial

See our video tutorial about DJ-MediaTools configuration on our YouTube channel.