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Displaying component on your website

Displaying component on your website

Using the DJ-MediaTools component are three view options available:

  • Album Submission View
  • Albums Grid View
  • Single Album View

To display one of the component views, navigate to MenusMain_Menu and create a new menu item. Now click the Select button for the Menu Item Type option and under the DJ-MediaTools  title in the popup window, you will see the list of available component views.

dj-mediatools menu item types

Album Submission View

This view display the submission form of DJ-MediaTools album. You enable this view and allow users to configure details and submit single album from the frontpage.

dj-mediatools album submission view

Albums Grid View

This view displays all the albums from the selected Album. While creating Menu Item with this view in the tabs you can find the same options you set in global component configuration. You don't need to set anything here unless you want to change the way this Album and its child Albums are displayed - those settings will override global settings.

dj-mediatools album grid view

Look at the example view of the Album Grid:

dj-mediatools album grid view

Single Album View

This view displays selected Album items on one of the Album layouts (Album layout parameter). If Album has child Albums they will display or not depends on parameter (above or below the Album layout). Look at the example view of the Album Grid with different Album layouts.

Single album view:
dj-mediatools single album view
dj-mediatools gallery grid layout examples
dj-mediatools gallery slideshow layout examples
dj-mediatools slideshow with thumbnails view

Video tutorials