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Customize layout DJ-MediaTools

Customize layout

Slide settings

  • Show title - yes/no

  • Link title - yes/no

  • Title limit - limit the number of characters in a slide title to show in a description box

  • Title color - choose the title color and a transparency level, where 1 is not transparent at all, 0.5 is 50% see-through, and 0 is completely transparent. The color can be chosen from the color palette or defined by typing RGBA parameters

  • Title font - enter the name of the selected font. You can use generic system fonts or Google Fonts

  • Title weight

  • Title font size - set the font size by entering the px or em value. Leave the field empty for a default size

  • Show description - yes/no

  • Link description - yes/no

  • Description limit - limit item description to the specified number of characters (the system will cut description after a word containing the character at a specified position). Set to '0' (zero) to disable the limit

  • Description color - choose the description color and a transparency level, where 1 is not transparent at all, 0.5 is 50% see-through, and 0 is completely transparent. The color can be chosen from the color palette or defined by typing RGBA parameters

  • Description font - enter the name of the selected font. You can use generic system fonts or Google Fonts

  • Description font-weight

  • Description font size - set the description size by entering the px or em value. Leave the field empty for a default size

  • Description background color - choose the background color and a transparency level, where 1 is not transparent at all, 0.5 is 50% see-through, and 0 is completely transparent. The color can be chosen from the color palette or defined by typing RGBA parameters

  • Position - choose the position

  • Effect - choose the animation effect

  • Width - description area width in pixels

  • Padding - enter padding for description area with unit (px, em or %)

  • Vertical position - set the vertical position of the description area in pixels from the bottom border of the image

  • Horizontal position - set the horizontal position of the description area in pixels from the bottom border of the image

  • Center vertically - choose if you want to center the description vertically and horizontally

  • Show Readmore - yes/no

  • Read more text - change the text of the read more link

  • Read more color - choose the read more color and a transparency level, where 1 is not transparent at all, 0.5 is 50% see-through, and 0 is completely transparent. The color can be chosen from the color palette or defined by typing RGBA parameters

  • Readmore font - enter the name of the selected font for the read more option. You can use generic system fonts or Google Fonts

  • Readmore font-weight

  • Readmore font size - set the read more font size by entering the px or em value. Leave the field empty for a default size

  • Readmore position - set the Readmore position

Customize border
  • Show border - yes/no

  • Border type - choose from the list

  • Border color - choose the read more color and a transparency-level, where 1 is not transparent at all, 0.5 is 50% see-through, and 0 is completely transparent. The color can be chosen from the color palette or defined by typing RGBA parameters

  • Border size - set the border size by entering the px or em value. Leave the field empty for a default size

  • Border radius - you can give any slide "rounded corners" by applying a border radius through CSS. If you are not sure how to configure it, visit the Border-Radius page and use the generator. The border radius feature is not available for the Skitter Slideshow layout

dj-mediatools slide settings in album