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How to use Masonry album layout?

Masonry album layout

Masonry layout is useful when you want to display a gallery of images and you don’t want to crop them. You can use this layout in a component view and in a module.

To display an album in Masonry layout follow these steps:

  • In Album settings tab (in menu item or module settings) set Album layout to Masonry

  • set Image width to a preferred value

  • set Image resizing to Fit width

dj-mediatools album settings album layout view
dj-mediatools album settings images dimensions

Your album should look similar to this from our example:

dj-mediatools masonry album layout example view

If you’d like to display image descriptions as well, the best way is to place them below the image. To do that please:

  • In settings - Slide setting set Show Title parameter to Yes

  • You can change title color as well

  • Set Show description parameter to Yes

  • Set description limit

  • You can change description color as well

dj-mediatools slide settings title
dj-mediatools slide settings desciption

If you want to change background of description box you need to back to album settings button and scroll to infobox settings. Then you can set up a position and background color.

dj-mediatools alum settings infobox

Your album should look similar to this from our example:

dj-mediatools masonry album view example

See our video tutorial