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DJ-Classifieds (latest ads) into DJ-MegaMenu

In this tutorial I’ll describe you how to add DJ-Classifieds "Latest ads" module into DJ-Mega Menu. Firstly I'll show you what effect we want to get.

From this:
DJ-MegaMenu menu without DJ-Classifieds "Latest Ads".
To this:
DJ-MegaMenu menu with DJ-Classifieds "Latest Ads".

Firstly, we'll create module position, in which we will publish module. Go to Menus-> Main Menu (or Your default menu) and click New.

Type title, choose Menu item type: System links-> Separator, choose Parent item: because in fact our module will be published in submenu.

Screenshot of creation of a new menu item that will be used as a space for DJ-Classifieds "Latest Ads".

Go to DJ-MegaMenu Options tab.

Start new column - Yes,
Module position- type name of new module position, for example “dj-latest-ads”. Remember, that name have to be unique. 

Screenshot of a DJ-MegaMenu options tab with Module Position setting highlighted.
If you did everything correctly, you should see a blank space, new column in submenu.
DJ-MegaMenu menu with blank space that will be used for DJ-Classifieds "Latest ads".

Now let's create a module. Go to Content -> Side Modules -> New

Create a new DJ-Classifieds Items module

Type title,
position: “dj-latest-ads” or the value you typed in “module position” field before,
set other fields as follow.

Screenshot of a DJ-Classifieds module with several settings highlighted.

Module Assignment: on all pages. Click Save and close.

Well done! Our module looks like that:
DJ-MegaMenu menu with DJ-Classifieds "Latest Ads".