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Font Awesome and Bootstrap Icons in DJ-MegaMenu

Enhancing your DJ-MegaMenu with icons can significantly improve the visual appeal and user experience of your website.

This guide provides detailed instructions on how to incorporate both Bootstrap Icons and Font Awesome Icons into your DJ-MegaMenu.

To do so, go to Menus -> "Main Menu" (or your default menu) and click menu item you want to have an icon for. We'll add icon to "Car ads" menu item.

Menu item list with "Car ads" highlighted.

Open it and go to "DJ-MegaMenu Options" tab. Look for "Menu Icon". Here you can type either Font Awesome or Bootstrap Icon class.

Here's a list for Bootstrap Icons and Font Awesome Icons

For example, we'll use fa fa-car using Font Awesome or icon-tags using Bootstrap Icons

Screenshot showing the use of Font Awesome icons in DJ-MegaMenu.
Screenshot showing the use of Bootstrap icons in DJ-MegaMenu,

To increase icon sizes relative to their container using Font Awesome it's required to use classes fa-2x, fa-3x, fa-4x, or fa-5x classes.