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New to DJ-Extensions?

Options in Menu Item

Remember to enable the DJ-MegaMenu system plugin, It will display an additional parameter tab in the menu item form.

Screenshot of the Joomla Plugins management page highlighting the DJ-MegaMenu system plugin with a green checkmark indicating it is enabled.
Let's see the available options in the menu item.
Screenshot of DJ-MegaMenu Options.
  • Hide item name - yes/no
  • Show menu item in - choose to show menu item in mega menu, mobile menu or both
  • Menu Subtitle − This text will be displayed below the menu item title
  • Menu Icon - set Font Awesome or Bootstrap icon
  • Full width submenu - make the submenu of this menu item to be 100% menu wide and the columns divided in percents.
  • Start new column - yes/no
  • Column width (in pixels) - set first or new column width in pixels
  • Submenu type - choose submenu type for this item
  • Dropdown direction - choose default, left or right direction
  • Background image - select background image
  • BG Horizontal position - set background horizontal position
  • BG Vertical position - set background vertical position
  • Module position - set the module position
  • Module style - code that will wrap modules loaded into menu item
  • Show link with module - yes/no
  • Mobile module position - set the module position
  • Mobile module style - code that will wrap modules loaded into menu item
  • Show link with module - show anchor menu item in standard joomla menu
  • Custom HTML Position - defines where the html code from the fields below should appear
  • Custom HTML Before - Code that will be added before the item name
  • Custom HTML After - Code that will be added after the item name
  • Custom Attributes - Attributes that will be added inside the link
  • Access Key - define access key for immediately jump to a specific part of a web page via a keyboard