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Changelog - DJ-Tabs

Version 2.3.0 changelog

  • (+) Joomla 5 native compatibility
  • (!) loading module by ID support
  • (!) ARIA accessibility improvements

Version 2.2.1 changelog

  • router file added / j4 routing FIX
  • item custom html special chars insert FIX
  • j4 item edit article params tabs displayed FIX
  • front Warning: foreach() FIX
  • admin lists warning FIXES
  • deprecated FIXES
  • core j! 'color' field used instead of 'djcolor'
  • admin layout improvements
  • lang improvements

Version 2.2 changelog

  • admin drag and drop ordering
  • admin layout improvements
  • j4 license box removed
  • nested tabs script (FIX)
  • j4 admin lists ordering (FIX)
    admin documentation link (FIX)

Version 2.1.2 changelog

  • Joomla 4 Download Key support
  • 'tabs-full-row' wrapper class support
  • djlicense warning reporting FIX

changelog 2.1.1

  • updated license manager
  • parsing 'Custom HTML' items with content plugins
  • editor-xtd plugin J4 FIX
  • vertical tabs in JM templates FIX
  • multiple scripts init content plugin FIX