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New to DJ-Extensions?

AJAX DJ-Classifieds app

DJ-Classifieds Ajax App dramatically changes the way DJ-Classifieds works. No more website reloads, use AJAX to load categories, for pagination, filtering, and ordering.


First, you need to install the App. You do it the same way as with any other Joomla extension.

Once the App is installed, go to System -> Manage -> Plugins -> System - DJ-Classifieds Ajax and open the plugin.


  1. enable the plugin
  2. enable and set the options you want to use
  3. Save and Close
Available options are divided into four tabs:
  1. Plugin
  2. Search Options
  3. Pagination Options
  4. Advanced

Plugin settings

  • On Search - Enables dynamic AJAX calls when using the Search module.
  • On Pagination - Enables dynamic AJAX also calls in Item's views pagination.
  • On Sorting - Enables dynamic AJAX also calls in Item's views sorting by columns.
  • On Categories - Enables dynamic AJAX also calls in Item's views Categories section.
  • Progress Bar  - Enables NPorgress.js library for displaying slim loading bar at the top of the page, during AJAX calls.
  • Enable On Mobiles - Select if ajax functionality needs to be enabled on mobile devices
  • Enable In - Select menu items where the AJAX plugin should be enabled
  • Disable In - Select menu items where the AJAX plugin should be disabled

Search options

  • Search Reset - Show reset/link button for clearing the search form fields.
  • Input Timeout - Enter the time after which Ajax call will be made, after pressing a key.

Pagination options

  • Infinite Scroll - Yes/No
  • Pagination - Hide/Show/Fixed/'Load more' button
  • Grid Layout (Masonry) - Yes/No
  • Enable in - select where you want it enabled
  • Disable in - select where you want it disabled


  • Update Url - enables updating browser's address bar url
  • Use History State

That is all you need to do to enable the Ajax for DJ-Classifieds.

Frontend behaviour

Assuming you have enabled all options, the App changes how those things work:

Search and Filters

Ajax is used for any action that is performed in DJ-Classifieds Search module. That works with text search and anything you can click on the module.

Pagination (h4)

Ajax calls are used to change the pagination.

Ordering and sorting

Ajax calls are used to sort and order items.

Progress Bar

Display slim loading bar at the top of the page, during Ajax calls.

Search Reset

Show the reset/link button for clearing the search form fields.


Ajax is used to open the categories.