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Coupons DJ-Classifieds App

The Coupons App basically ads the discount coupons functionality to DJ-Classifieds.

Below you’ll find steps to install and enable this functionality as well as a description of all possible options you can get with it.


Just install the plugin plg_djcflassifieds_coupons.zip like any other extension in Joomla.

Enabling Coupons App

Once the plugin was successfully installed, you need to enable it like any other plugin.

When enabled, in DJ-Classifieds component you’ll find a new link in sidebar “Coupons”. Clicking the link will reveal the discount coupons list and let you start creating and configuring new coupons.

Creating a new discount coupon

When you are set up, you can start creating (or editing) discount coupons.
Let’s start with creating a new coupon.
Click “New”, and you’ll see this:

This is the first tab, called “New” where you set basic stuff:

  • Give a name to your coupon (this is for your/admin reference)
  • Leave automatically generated coupon code or type whatever you want - (use only Latin characters and numbers). This is the actual discount coupon code your users will use to get discount for their payments.
  • Give your coupon description (this is for your/admin reference)
  • Select state of the coupon (published/unpublished)
  • You can see (and edit) how many times the coupon was already used.
  • If you want to restrict usage of the coupon for certain user groups, you can select them (if nothing is selected all users will be able to use the coupon)
When you click over to the “Params” tab, you can set all the discount coupons' details.
Let’s see how the Params look like when all is disabled:

As there are many settings, I’ll go one by one. Remember that you can mix all the features so the discount coupon you create can be tailored exactly to your users' needs!

Amount discount

Once you choose “Yes” in this setting, you can type the discount in the revealed text field. It’s a discount in your currency that you set in DJ-Classifieds options. So for example, if your currency is USD, typing here, 2 will give the user with this coupon $2 USD of discount in checkout.

Percentage discount

Once you choose “Yes” in this setting, you can type the percentage of the discount in the revealed text field.

Enable free promotions

This feature has 3 states:
No - if this is selected discount won't affect any promotions.

Promotions Limit

Here you can set how many promotions will be free with this coupon. So if you set it to 1 as on my image - user will be able to use one promotion for free with this coupon. If the user selects more promotions than the specified limit, free of charge will be the cheapest promotion.

Selected promotions

When this feature is selected, you’ll see the list of promotions. By selecting the promotions, you decide which will be free with this discount coupon.

Enable free categories

This feature has 3 states as well:
No - this feature won't be used in the coupon.

Categories Limit

Here you can set how many categories will be free with this coupon. So if you set it to 1 as on my image - user will be able to submit to one paid category for free with this coupon. If a user selects more categories (using multi categories app) than the specified limit, free of charge will be the cheapest category.

Selected categories

When this feature is selected, you’ll see the list of categories. By selecting the categories (multi-select list), you decide which will be free with this discount coupon.

Start and expiration dates

This is straight forward. You can set the dates when the coupon will be active. Good for short time discounts or preparing the marketing actions for the future.
Each start and expiration dates have two states (Yes/No).

Max usage limit

This feature has 2 states:
No - no limits in usage are applied, the coupon can be used unlimited times.
Yes - once this is selected the new field appears so you can enter the usage limit. The discount coupon will be applied only the given amount of times.

Once you choose “Yes” in this setting, you can type the percentage of the discount in the revealed text field.

Max user usage limit

This feature also has 2 states:
No - no limits for the user in usage are applied, the coupon can be used unlimited times by the user (or based on the Max Usage Limit set in the setting as explained above)
Yes - when this is selected the new field appears so you can enter the usage limit. The discount coupon can be used by a single user, only the given amount of times.

More features for power admins

You can also benefit from those little things that can be handy in many situations if your site is getting big.

Create multiple coupons

You can create multiple coupons at once. The coupon codes will be generated automatically. If you click that “New multiple” button in Coupons section in DJ-Classifieds the new coupon creation view appears.
There’s one difference. Notice this additional field: Number of coupons

If you type, any number of coupons with all the settings will be created with the same settings. It may look like this:

As you can see the coupons were generated with the same name (I called the coupon “Mass coupon example”) and the number was added to each discount coupon + the unique coupon codes were generated for each.

Export to CSV

You can export the coupons to CSV file and use it for different purposes like importing the coupon codes to marketing automation software and send to your users' unique coupons.
Exporting is easy. Just select the coupons you want to be exported and click “Export to CSV” button.

The exported CSV will look like this:


Using discount coupons on the front end of your site is easy.

Once the Coupons App is enabled and send the discount coupons to your users, they can use them in a new section that appears in the checkout.

Once the user uses the user used to see the discounted amount on the second screen.