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Subscription Plans DJ-Classifieds App

Subscription Plans App provides you with the option to give your users a way to purchase packages of a pre-configured set of adverts.

This way, they do not need to pay per advert each time, have the credit of ads to use during predefined time.


To install DJ-Classifieds Subscription Plans addon, you will have to install it first. Head over to download section and download the zip file and install it like any other DJ-Classifieds extension.

It's reccomended to also install DJ-Classifieds Subscription Plans User addon, which adds options for users to see their subscription plans. You can download it in the download section.


Once you install the plugin, you'll see the new side menu option in DJ-Classifieds component - "Subscription plans".

When you enter this option, you can create a new subscription plan.

Now when creating a new subscription plan, you need to fill those elements. In the first tab:

  • Plan's name;
  • Assign to groups - you can choose the Joomla groups to assign the user after purchasing the subscription plan;
  • Assign to groups after exp. - you can choose groups to which user will be assigned after the plan gets expired;
  • Plan expriation - you can set when the plan should be set as expired;
  • Recurring - Yes/No;
  • Description;
  • Published - the status of the plan (visible/not visible);
  • User groups restriction - if you don't want to show (and allow to purchase) the plan for any of your Joomla groups - select them here;
  • One-time plan - you can set the plan so user can get it only once.

Now click the "Prices" tab.

Here you can set price of the subscription plans.

At last, click the "Params" tab.

Here you can set details of the subscription plans. What should it include etc.?

  • Adverts in the plan - how many adverts will be included in the list. You can set the unlimited number of ads by entering the "-1" value;
  • Expiration time - how long the plan should be active after each purchase. For example, when set to 5 as on our example - the user has 5 days to use the number of ads you set for this subscription plan (you can use 0 for unlimited time);
  • Max images per ad - how many images will be available per ad.;
  • Characters limit in the description;
  • Duration - for how long each advert will be published;
  • Promotion - select if you want automatically assign the rise to any ad submitted within this subscription plan (each advert will be promoted);
  • Hidden promotions - hide the selected promotions when adding adverts using this plan;
  • Use "Types" - allow adding types to the adverts;
  • Use "Video" - allow adding videos to the advert;
  • Use "Website" - allows adding the website address to the advert;
  • Auctions - allow using auctions;
  • Buy now - allow to use "Buy now" functionality;
  • Profile in the advert - select if the user's profile will be displayed when submitting adverts;
  • Ask form - select if the ask form will be displayed when submitting adverts;
  • Paid categories - allow adding adverts to paid categories;
  • Allowed categories - choose categories available during ad's posting.

You can create an unlimited amount of plans and configure them to meet the needs of your users.

Assign to menu

Now you need to display a page with possible plans.

Go to Menus in the side menu and choose your menu. Create new menu item and choose"Subscription plans". Give it a name and save.

You need also make the feature available for users in the user menu.

Open Content menu and open Side modules. Search for DJ-Classifieds User Menu


Now, when you set the subscription plans in your menu item, it’s available for your users for purchase. The list of available programs displays all the options that come with it in an excellent compact way:

User can now Subscription plan regular way using one of the available payment plugins (including points).  

Once the purchase is finished, the user can use the subscription plan and use it for future adverts.

As you have earlier enabled user subscription plans in User Menu it’s now visible when the user is logged in:

Once clicked user can see how many adverts left in his subscription plans and all the project details.

User can also start adding the ads right from this view clicking on the “New Advert” button below.

Subscription Plans App provides you with the option to give your users a way to purchase packages of a pre-configured set of adverts.

This way, they do not need to pay per advert each time, have the credit of ads to use during predefined time.


To install DJ-Classifieds Subscription Plans addon, you will have to install it first. Head over to download section and download the zip file and install it like any other DJ-Classifieds extension.

It's reccomended to also install DJ-Classifieds Subscription Plans User addon, which adds options for users to see their subscription plans. You can download it in the download section.


Once you install the plugin, you'll see the new side menu option in DJ-Classifieds component - "Subscription plans".

When you enter this option, you can create a new subscription plan.

Now when creating a new subscription plan, you need to fill those elements. In the first tab:

  • Plan's name;
  • Assign to groups - you can choose the Joomla groups to assign the user after purchasing the subscription plan;
  • Assign to groups after exp. - you can choose groups to which user will be assigned after the plan gets expired;
  • Plan expriation - you can set when the plan should be set as expired;
  • Recurring - Yes/No;
  • Description;
  • Published - the status of the plan (visible/not visible);
  • User groups restriction - if you don't want to show (and allow to purchase) the plan for any of your Joomla groups - select them here;
  • One-time plan - you can set the plan so user can get it only once.

Now click the "Prices" tab.

Here you can set price of the subscription plans.

At last, click the "Params" tab.

Here you can set details of the subscription plans. What should it include etc.?

  • Adverts in the plan - how many adverts will be included in the list. You can set the unlimited number of ads by entering the "-1" value;
  • Expiration time - how long the plan should be active after each purchase. For example, when set to 5 as on our example - the user has 5 days to use the number of ads you set for this subscription plan (you can use 0 for unlimited time);
  • Max images per ad - how many images will be available per ad.;
  • Characters limit in the description;
  • Duration - for how long each advert will be published;
  • Promotion - select if you want automatically assign the rise to any ad submitted within this subscription plan (each advert will be promoted);
  • Hidden promotions - hide the selected promotions when adding adverts using this plan;
  • Use "Types" - allow adding types to the adverts;
  • Use "Video" - allow adding videos to the advert;
  • Use "Website" - allows adding the website address to the advert;
  • Auctions - allow using auctions;
  • Buy now - allow to use "Buy now" functionality;
  • Profile in the advert - select if the user's profile will be displayed when submitting adverts;
  • Ask form - select if the ask form will be displayed when submitting adverts;
  • Paid categories - allow adding adverts to paid categories;
  • Allowed categories - choose categories available during ad's posting.

You can create an unlimited amount of plans and configure them to meet the needs of your users.

Assign to menu

Now you need to display a page with possible plans.

Go to Menus in the side menu and choose your menu. Create new menu item and choose"Subscription plans". Give it a name and save.

You need also make the feature available for users in the user menu.

Open Content menu and open Side modules. Search for DJ-Classifieds User Menu


Now, when you set the subscription plans in your menu item, it’s available for your users for purchase. The list of available programs displays all the options that come with it in an excellent compact way:

User can now Subscription plan regular way using one of the available payment plugins (including points).  

Once the purchase is finished, the user can use the subscription plan and use it for future adverts.

As you have earlier enabled user subscription plans in User Menu it’s now visible when the user is logged in:

Once clicked user can see how many adverts left in his subscription plans and all the project details.

User can also start adding the ads right from this view clicking on the “New Advert” button below.