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Changelog: DJ-Classifieds

  • DJ-Classifieds Offers App
  • DJ-Classifieds Ghost Ads App
  • DJ-Classifieds Files Attachments App
  • DJ-Classifieds Subscription Plans App
  • DJ-Classifieds Subscription Plans User Plugin
  • DJ-Classifieds Coupons App
  • DJ-Classifieds Ajax App
  • DJ-Classifieds Internal Messaging
  • DJ-Classifieds MultiCategories App
  • DJ-Classifieds Conditional Fields Plugin
  • DJ-Classifieds Bad Words App
  • DJ-Classifieds Search Alerts App
  • DJ-Classifieds-Importer Component
  • DJ-Classifieds Payment PayPal Plus
  • DJ-Classifieds Payment Fondy
  • DJ-Classifieds Payment PortMone
  • DJ-Classifieds Payment Stripe
  • DJ-Classifieds Payment Sofort Banking
  • DJ-Classifieds Payment Przelewy24
  • DJ-Classifieds Payment PayU
  • DJ-Classifieds Payment Dotpay
  • DJ-Classifieds

    Ver. 3.10.1 changelog

    (+) 'Payment return redirect map' param
    (+) 'Ignore active Itemid' SEO param
    (+) 'Itemid of Item page' SEO param
    (+) global config params reordering
    (+) global config 'Redirects' tab
    (+) Ad preview 'Only in new ad' option
    (+) field's 'Show assigned values only - include category' param
    (+) quickicon component's configuration link
    (+) 'Users can delete ads with category limit' param
    (+) category icon display in header in category page
    (+) search module 'Default location' param
    (+) search module 'Hide 1. level of location' param
    (+) search module 'Use active Itemid for results page' param
    (+) items module 'Show empty fields' override param
    (!) admin new item category fields loading FIX
    (!) not empty geocoordinates check FIX
    (!) admin profiles images display FIX
    (!) 'Users can delete archived ads' in item FIX
    (!) region route alias in full path display FIX
    (!) item db error in 3rd party plugins FIX
    (!) items layout with yootheme plugin FIX
    (!) points payment showing up for recurring plans FIX
    (!) canonical tags using active itemid FIX
    (!) 'Show assigned values only' no values display FIX
    (!) admin j3 duration edit js error FIX
    (!) items lists show distance if no coordinates FIX
    (!) blog show desc header if no intro desc FIX
    (!) PHP 8.2.x deprecated FIX
    (!) bank transfer payment duplicated currency in email FIX
    (!) item menu item 'use global' empty option FIX
    (!) additem images override compatibility FIX
    (!) items lists column default values FIXES
    (!) item name length over 191 update error FIX
    (!) field's 'Linked value' for profiles FIX
    (!) items tooltip border styling FIX
    (!) search module results Itemid FIX
    (!) search module search results ajax plugin route FIX
    (!) search module j3 'autocomplete' js error FIX
    (!) maps module 'L.markerClusterGroup is not a constructor' FIX
    (!) user menu module favourites list routing FIX
    (!) warning info if joomla user registration disabled
    (!) lists sort values params with [none] option
    (!) items list sort opts reordering
    (!) sprintf %s support in reg/cat header selector
    (!) admin fields field icon display
    (!) admin plans 'recurring' info icon display
    (!) cpanel no list warning show condition change
    (!) emails disabled by admin check before email send
    (!) seo item menu item support in URL
    (!) admin fields category field 'All categories' icon
    (!) active Itemid ignored in modules
    (!) blog layout calc height script optimization
    (!) plan name language constant support
    (!) buynow unit name language constant support in item
    (!) list sort options display improvement
    (!) smart table no details section layout improvement
    (!) missing menu items cats params overrides added
    (!) items list header helper classes added
    (!) plans view module positions added
    (!) redirect after payment improvements
    (!) admin profile image moved to a new tab
    (!) additem points package info override compatibility
    (!) j4 menu items basic switch params layout change
    (!) admin coupon edit page layout improvements
    (!) seo item/profile header params in menu items
    (!) modal checkboxes js event trigger improvement
    (!) items module config layout improvements
    (!) items module type displayed next to the title
    (!) maps module config layout improvements
    (!) maps module leaflet markercluster js ver. update
    (!) menu module 'se_cats' URL var support
    (!) styling tweaks
    (!) lang fixes

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    (+) menu items full params override support
    (+) items list 'Promotions' show/hide params
    (+) svg icons upgrade
    (+) 'Auctions assist' option
    (+) 'Auctions time auto extend' option
    (+) item automatic bids & price reload
    (+) auctions bid delete popup confirmation
    (+) additem show all_cats custom fields on start
    (+) captcha 'In new advert page' option
    (+) storing additem/registration forms data in state
    (+) copying field values after reload in forms
    (+) other core fields as overwritable custom fields
    (+) user items filter option
    (+) user items actions on multiple items
    (+) registration/profile 'Core fields' params
    (+) field 'Show assigned values only' search param
    (+) checkbox field 'Show in modal' param
    (+) field 'Linked value' param
    (+) 'Email CC' field param
    (+) field 'Label extra info' param
    (+) 'Custom fields values as ..' param per field
    (+) 'Show empty fields' param per field
    (+) 'Text for the empty field' field param
    (+) 'Search ordering' field param
    (+) 'Char limit' field's param
    (+) 'Sortable on all categories' field param
    (+) plan's 'One-time plan' param
    (+) plans 'Plan expiration' param
    (+) plans 'Allowed categories' param
    (+) plan's 'Hidden promotions' param
    (+) multiple support in plan's 'Assign to group' param
    (+) 'No duration' plan's option
    (+) 'Remove from groups' plan's param
    (+) seo 'Meta robots' params for profile/profiles
    (+) 'Autopublish user groups' param
    (+) '"Price" required' param
    (+) '"Contact" required' param
    (+) '"Regions" required' param
    (+) 'Allow multiple videos' param
    (+) 'Use "Description"' param
    (+) Profile 'Registration / Last visit time' param
    (+) 'youtube-nocookie' security parameter
    (+) 'Category desc. position' param
    (+) 'Auctions/Buy Now default value' params
    (+) profile edit menu item 'Redirect' param
    (+) profiles menu item 'Profile field group' param
    (+) 'Disabled emails' param in admin profile page
    (+) 'Prom. "Move to top" user group prices' param
    (+) 'Show category desc. on first page only' param
    (+) 'Ask form for user groups' param
    (+) 'Ask form in' param
    (+) 'Contact only for user groups' param
    (+) 'Watermark image' media upload param
    (+) 'Registration redirect' param
    (+) 'Default image' media param
    (+) 'Default profile image' media param
    (+) media params for custom map marker icons
    (+) 'Item/Profile only' options in 'Show map' param
    (+) 'Expired ads auto-archive' param
    (+) 'Profiles per page' global param
    (+) new 'Show author' option for not displaying guest
    (+) duration ug/cat restriction 'Disallow' options
    (+) search module 'Hide empty types' param
    (+) search module 'Always include adult ads' param
    (+) search module 'Hide empty locations' param
    (+) search module 'Follow type' param
    (+) search module 'Show “Account type” label' param
    (+) items module 'Follow type' param
    (+) maps module 'Follow type' param
    (+) items module 'sort direction' param
    (+) items module 'Autoslide (ms)' param
    (+) search module 'Custom fields loading gif' param
    (+) items module 'Only from verified users' param
    (+) user avatar module 'Linked photo page' param
    (+) user avatar module 'Thumbnail type' param
    (+) [[site_url]] email template tag
    (+) [[items_url]] email template tag
    (+) [[advert_image]] email template tag
    (+) [[advert_region]] email template tag
    (+) [[advert_country]] email template tag
    (+) [[advert_city]] email template tag
    (+) [[advert_address]] email template tag
    (+) admin items 'Unpaid' badge display
    (+) admin stats module CSV export option
    (+) item save emoji in description support
    (+) date custom field 'AGE' format support
    (+) items mod. 'Advert author's last visit date' sort
    (+) no empty option in duration select support
    (+) admin item/profile front link in edit page
    (+) duration auto-select if only one available
    (+) admin items 'Type' filter
    (+) field combo 'Link scheme' param 'viber' option
    (+) global config 'Profile' tab
    (+) page number in meta title/desc tags in items list
    (+) showing region heading in list view
    (+) region breadcrumbs in items page
    (+) 'None' option in field's 'Viewing access'
    (+) new field's source autoset based on fields filter
    (+) ask/abuse form login default confirm popup removed
    (+) 'no category or region' in 'Advert url structure'
    (+) registration plugin in AIO pkg
    (+) cpanel warning if no items menu item published
    (+) admin showing server info message support
    (+) field group 'Group assigment' multiple support
    (+) admin recreating thumbs with img display
    (+) profiles 'User group' param with multiple support
    (+) admin cats/regs batch move to root cat/reg option
    (+) admin regions delete with subregions
    (+) item delete on item page in a popup
    (+) 'Default value - profile field' w/ J+ user fields
    (+) option to hide specific advert details in item
    (+) displaying duration labels in plan params select
    (+) userpayments view layout change
    (+) user items view 'move to top' payments displayed
    (+) thumb type select support in user bids view
    (+) registration username rules ajax validation added
    (+) core J! user fields in profileedit/registr. forms
    (+) email templates lang consts support
    (+) storing ask form data in state
    (+) guest item edit/delete from item page
    (+) ask/abuse form buttons disabled for author
    (+) admin edit item 'Archived' status option
    (+) 'validate-email' class for input email fields
    (+) maps module 'show archived' support
    (+) items module 'archived' icon display
    (+) ask form messages in admin item/profile views
    (+) verified/auction/archived icons in maps module
    (+) user items view 'Displayed' ordering column added
    (+) showing items added/renewed from plans info
    (+) no payment methods supporting recurring plans info
    (+) item 'default_contact' subview added
    (+) admin email templates title column display
    (+) admin user subscription plans edit link on hover
    (+) admin edit user plan params display
    (+) admin ghost ads 'guest' label display
    (+) admin item edit 'Sorting date' field display
    (+) admin ghost ads bids display
    (+) admin stats module in AIO package
    (+) user avatar module in AIO package
    (!) non-latin chars count payment FIX
    (!) reg lib cache warning FIX
    (!) duration payment improvements
    (!) AIO package install error FIX
    (!) plans auctions label hide FIX
    (!) j4 migration sql script FIX
    (!) items module follow category in item view FIX
    (!) AUP only points payment method display FIX
    (!) admin offers form load change
    (!) admin categories svg icon display FIX
    (!) admin user plan create FIX
    (!) j4 admin unlimited user plan save FIX
    (!) unpublished item after renew FIX
    (!) item edit error after durations mod. FIX
    (!) calendar field translation FIX
    (!) renew/profileedit form submit verification scroll
    (!) module items source param display items FIX
    (!) default category thumbnails size FIX
    (!) complete payment price comparison check FIX
    (!) component view alias routing FIX
    (!) useritems view archive status display improvements
    (!) buynow label in advert edit FIX
    (!) auction bid greater than buynow price FIX
    (!) item 'use my location' default styling FIX
    (!) search module config improvements
    (!) flagging required form fields validation FIX
    (!) 'data-ord' custom field helper attribute
    (!) admin save item FIX (djmap/djmarker)
    (!) user sub. plans plan exp. date timezone FIX
    (!) user sub. plans config j4 support
    (!) j3 admin item duplicate save FIX
    (!) multiple currency display improvements
    (!) auction timer not displayed for guests FIX
    (!) auction bids input autocomplete off
    (!) auction/buynow price display FIXES
    (!) image thumbnails recreate cropping issue FIX
    (!) form field label empty tooltip display FIX
    (!) additem controller warning FIX
    (!) ajax tasks performance improvement
    (!) points payment UTC time FIX
    (!) showing adults confirm for item's author FIX
    (!) j4 additem promotion 'Active until' label show FIX
    (!) admin payments list 'chosen' script FIX
    (!) items mod. default image show enabled by default
    (!) admin offers minor fixes
    (!) admin item category required
    (!) item/profile/registr. location show improvements
    (!) auction bid input theme styling change
    (!) item auction/buynow price display FIX
    (!) showing auctions bidding form after bid
    (!) auctions bids message autohide
    (!) price & buynowform layouts added
    (!) checkout form attachToForm js error FIX
    (!) bids form hidden for item's author
    (!) auction bids contact modal FIX
    (!) auction timer improvement
    (!) email template advert link URL structure FIX
    (!) email template links URL structure FIX
    (!) isProfileVerified djaccess helper fn
    (!) djtheme plugin support in renderLayout helper fn
    (!) '[DOM] Found elements with non-unique id' FIXES
    (!) additem formvalidator defer FIX
    (!) useritems default image tooltip FIX
    (!) useritems view $item_uri prop
    (!) profile page warnings FIX
    (!) admin profiles points column hidden if points off
    (!) getting menu item params in controllers
    (!) search tab in admin ask seller type field edit FIX
    (!) registration form submit verification scroll
    (!) item ask/abuse-form-active wrapper classes
    (!) j3 admin form fields 'required' attribute FIX
    (!) j3 admin item 'jformcat_id' FIX
    (!) admin regions/categories filter last level hidden
    (!) admin regions view layout improvements
    (!) modules j4 switcher layout for boolean params
    (!) config j4 switcher layout for boolean params
    (!) check cat ads limits on edit FIX
    (!) additem pre-check cat limit if one cat only
    (!) move cursor styling removed for single form images
    (!) offers default theme styling improvement
    (!) useritems page default theme styling improvements
    (!) config showon support in security params
    (!) renewitem view split into sub-views
    (!) custom front edition_blocked fields save support
    (!) JHtml::_('bootstrap.modal') removed
    (!) form fields layout/styling improvements
    (!) search module params improvements
    (!) search fields layout/styling changes
    (!) removed size attribute from price fields
    (!) field 'Show value on click' layout file (svoc.php)
    (!) ask seller field 'Show value on click' display FIX
    (!) JModuleHelper::getModuleById fn with string cast
    (!) profile edit email/password equal check
    (!) system registration plugin linked in global config
    (!) search accordion checkbox white label styling FIX
    (!) Offer 'Price unit position' param support FIX
    (!) disabled 'price_negotiable' hidden field removed
    (!) admin payments offer item name display FIX
    (!) item sections margins styling improvements
    (!) renewitem with unavailable category FIX
    (!) item no region metadesc warning FIX
    (!) additem no duration without config save FIX
    (!) list getDJLocation fn moved to main js file
    (!) search field helper class with name
    (!) show value on click with emoty fields FIX
    (!) checkbox empty field value display FIX
    (!) new ad with id==1 (wrong ad) FIX
    (!) form submit btn validate scroll data attr support
    (!) regions/categories db column changes
    (!) admin category name required
    (!) classes on auction rows
    (!) contact forms layout/css improvements
    (!) https in schema.org url
    (!) smart table/userbids asc/desc icon display FIX
    (!) plugins j4 switcher layout for boolean params
    (!) cron url info in configs
    (!) list price nowrap default theme css change
    (!) useritems unpublished cats name show FIX
    (!) ask/abuse form required fields labels display FIX
    (!) contact form required fields labels display FIX
    (!) default addthis social buttons style 32px
    (!) default theme unused icons removed
    (!) additem empty cats with multicats js error FIX
    (!) admin field save2copy source change FIX
    (!) Parse error:...unexpected '?' on legacy php FIX
    (!) admin sidebar units moved down
    (!) additem save lat/lng db error FIX
    (!) common admin model for negative IDs support
    (!) increasing hits counter for ad's author FIX
    (!) module search category/location empty labels FIX
    (!) directory resource check on legacy params removal
    (!) getImgAssetPath helper fn support in plugins
    (!) image icons improvements
    (!) admin footer updated
    (!) plans details display improvements
    (!) other point payment plugins support
    (!) search alerts delete popup change & FIX
    (!) only point payments with 0 price FIXES
    (!) payment for extra categories on renew FIX
    (!) admin prices default values & filters improvements
    (!) views code cleanup
    (!) regions select default theme css FIX
    (!) common getPriceText() helper fn used in views
    (!) stripping allowed html tags in fields FIX
    (!) field classes generate improvements
    (!) code non-empty lat/lon conditions changes
    (!) plans details toggler FIX
    (!) theme custom js/css load support
    (!) show all payment methods if only point price FIX
    (!) points payment method layout added
    (!) 'show map' btn default theme css improvement
    (!) admin fields view search type acc. display FIX
    (!) promotion option save with empty price/points FIX
    (!) db default values improvements
    (!) 'none' option in 'Use xx image in' params
    (!) admin stats j4 layout improvements
    (!) option to show favourite items on blog layout
    (!) proms selects width default theme css change
    (!) admin layout for form googlemap
    (!) db uninstall script fixes
    (!) admin profiles img size improvement
    (!) legacy ver. djreviews support removed
    (!) admin items batch_uid changed to plain text
    (!) free plans check improvement
    (!) singular point lang const support
    (!) user plans details display improvements
    (!) code payment/model refactoring
    (!) admin lists nowrap dates layout improvement
    (!) admin cpanel alert display improvement
    (!) registration core seo lib helper fn used
    (!) core payment plugins improvements
    (!) j4 admin list btn layout improvement
    (!) 'plandetails' new layout
    (!) admin items 'from plan' info size decreased
    (!) 'Apply ordering to categories' btn for all fields
    (!) 'Buy Now' -> 'Get Now' btn for free plans
    (!) search module default theme css improvement
    (!) default image hidden if thumb width set to 0 FIX
    (!) orders/sales history image display FIX
    (!) form map no 'map_update_latlng' btn js error FIX
    (!) maps module config params reordering
    (!) userpoints asc/desc icon display FIX
    (!) 'NEW' icon default theme styling margin change
    (!) $items_uri property in items/maps modules helper
    (!) location in tooltip display improvement
    (!) displaying select field if no published units FIX
    (!) additem points package info with link change
    (!) 'Please log in to see contact' lang const with %s
    (!) item/profile map layout improvements
    (!) plugins section moved above promotions
    (!) form field label layout with extra_info support
    (!) region lat/lng columns support in geolocation
    (!) Items module slider param moved to main tab
    (!) default theme css inputbox background img removed
    (!) customfields layout 'data-id' attr
    (!) profile items blog wrapper class fix
    (!) additem description editor width FIX
    (!) profile page layout map width improvement
    (!) now in approximate date format display FIX
    (!) items module img margin inline styling removed
    (!) default theme css items img border removed
    (!) profile image display improvements
    (!) blog matching height script respecting rows
    (!) form inputs missing placeholders added
    (!) showing 'View all adverts' link if more than one
    (!) admin stats module input placeholders FIX
    (!) $item_uri/$profile_uri property everywhere
    (!) additem wrong ad redirect after guest log in redirect
    (!) additem onload metadesc char count FIX
    (!) additem chars count scripts cleanup
    (!) djuploader files moved to 'assets/js'
    (!) 'djloader' class on 'loading.gif' div wrappers
    (!) some inline styling removed
    (!) additem chars count scripts moved to script.js
    (!) default theme multicat del btn margin decreased
    (!) default theme profile ask from btn top margin
    (!) cookie storing scripts moved to main js file
    (!) modal contact forms routing FIX
    (!) items module layout improvements
    (!) auctions update transaction deadlock FIX
    (!) social buttons default value with 'async' attr.
    (!) deprecated 'Admin support widget' param removed
    (!) pl lang consts after advert save FIX
    (!) user offers submitted view plugin event FIX
    (!) search alerts view layout improvement
    (!) info titles on some icons
    (!) leaflet plugin layouts support
    (!) profile edit button layout improvement
    (!) add item points packages info change
    (!) plans layouts support & fixes/improvements
    (!) ask form with msg plugins only sent confirm FIX
    (!) 'count()' Warning on msg send with attachments FIX
    (!) ask form with required fields validate FIX
    (!) forms with required fields validate FIX
    (!) db fields table cols default values
    (!) ask seller file size param changed to text field
    (!) orders/sales history modal height change
    (!) all emails disabled by default
    (!) quick custom field render in view override support
    (!) 'terms' common layout replacing 'termsgdpr'
    (!) 'cancel' class on form cancel buttons
    (!) preview advert improvements
    (!) profile items lists default theme override FIX
    (!) add to fav. on profiles list class FIX
    (!) default theme css info alerts color change
    (!) default theme css img mask height improvement
    (!) search alerts view empty values as lang consts
    (!) forms custom fields display improvements
    (!) captcha display improvements
    (!) registration/profileedit own 'Save' lang consts
    (!) transliteration in 'Custom fields to lang. consts'
    (!) image/file uploader server issue error report
    (!) auctions/buynow/offers improvements
    (!) j4 admin item edit custom fields load FIX
    (!) profile image ef4 lazy loading support/FIX
    (!) $show_field_only var support in 'formfield' layout
    (!) default theme profile ajax gif loaders centered
    (!) admin modal form vertical layout
    (!) table list layout 'archived' icon display FIX
    (!) item without category front error FIX
    (!) [[advert_edit]],[[advert_delete]] email tag tweaks
    (!) 'Items per page' missing default values FIX
    (!) j4 'success' message type instead of 'notice'
    (!) config note if yootheme integration plugin enabled
    (!) askform labels styling improvement
    (!) admin plan edit page params reordering
    (!) same user bid with reserve price not reached FIX
    (!) approximate date format reverse 'ago' lang support
    (!) "'nofollow' in link" moved to Item params
    (!) router item URL with categories menu item FIX
    (!) cancel return to item if editing from item
    (!) item without category front warnings FIX
    (!) default theme button style with gradient instead of img
    (!) 'Too many redirects' new ad error FIX
    (!) 'Add date including promotions' as a default order
    (!) ask form dj-messages integration attachments FIX
    (!) direct payments order placing improvement
    (!) djclassifiedsmessage plugins improvements
    (!) admin new item 'show on front' link hidden
    (!) pagebreak plugin FIXED
    (!) admin lists filter improvements
    (!) item payment 'back to edit' url from useritems FIX
    (!) addthis -> sharethis sb code default value change
    (!) text/list fields search improvement
    (!) admin ghost ads delete FIX
    (!) types translation FIX
    (!) ghost ad template improvements
    (!) db queries cat/reg name Falang improved support
    (!) config SEO title params changed to textarea
    (!) user bids reserve price info layout change
    (!) fav cursor pointer default theme css change
    (!) items module slider layout fixes/improvements
    (!) item preview URL with region part FIX
    (!) intro desc. generate on advert edit FIX
    (!) disabled button with locked cursor inline styling
    (!) missing region infinite loop FIX
    (!) 'cancel' class on modal buttons
    (!) items list same Itemid in item URLs FIX
    (!) unused images removed
    (!) global config improved layout
    (!) php 8.x warnings FIXES
    (!) start date update on item draft publish
    (!) admin userplan show item name in renew history FIX
    (!) root url in ajax requests FIXES
    (!) price & auctions/buynow global params improvements
    (!) config exp_days positive number filter
    (!) char limit counter script FIX
    (!) improved truncated intro desc display
    (!) items/profiles count duplicated col names support
    (!) items module added colon after custom field label
    (!) smart table layout sort fields layout improvement
    (!) items module custom fields margin layout FIX
    (!) admin fields list helper icons display tweaks
    (!) colons after labels removed
    (!) admin emails list offers not used email removed
    (!) sending emails without guest recipient address FIX
    (!) admin duration save max_input_vars workaround
    (!) admin auto field name create improvement
    (!) admin item payment info display improvement
    (!) archived/expired advert display FIX
    (!) search module geoloc button layout change
    (!) lists search filter improvements
    (!) search google places API JS error FIX
    (!) type badge style margins moved to css file
    (!) search mod oneline disabled custom fields support
    (!) blog distance display FIX
    (!) price negotiable display improvements
    (!) auction icon's title display
    (!) search reset button improvements
    (!) search module autocomplete script moved to js file
    (!) search min non-latin chars count FIX
    (!) OpenStreetMap as a default map provider
    (!) items list same Itemid in cat/reg URLs FIX
    (!) texts truncate strlen() -> mb_strlen() FIX
    (!) types plan override lists display FIX
    (!) 'buynow_label' class on 'Buy Now' labels
    (!) additem payable chars in description field ID FIX
    (!) region's country_iso support improvements
    (!) google maps places FIX
    (!) item icons display tweaks
    (!) item edit/renew access checks improvements
    (!) google maps places improvements
    (!) search module location fields reordering
    (!) email templates lang fixes
    (!) lang fixes

    Ver. 3.9.4 changelog

    additem 'Categories ordering' param
    additem 'Regions ordering' param
    regions tree 'Ordering' param
    regions module 'Ordering' param
    'Admin filters limits' params
    item display controller FIX
    admin item edit unlimited duration set FIX
    useritems multicategories display FIX
    admin controller type warning FIX
    j4 admin batch modals layout FIX
    PayPal config lang const FIX
    JPATH_COMPONENT consts replacement
    lang improvements

    Ver. 3.9.3 changelog

    types filter on items lists
    'no results' text in plans page
    admin user plan edit page adverts display
    ad author add to favourites warning alert display
    get useritems menu item without cat restr. first
    get search results menu item without restr. first
    controller tasks trigger FIX
    edit item payment calc FIX
    pagebreak: Creating default object... Warning FIX
    default theme abuse button margin FIX

    Ver. 3.9.2 changelog

    'Use in word search' field param
    field 'sortable' option
    'Search placeholder' field param
    'Search by whole words only' param
    'Map Provider' param disabled support
    'Subcategories list's header' new param
    Subreg. header text 'Apply to whole level' param
    default profile image changed to SVG
    routing improvements
    [[payment_date]] email template tag
    admin profiles new batch options
    user group restriction in profile field groups
    added form fields placeholders
    get plans menu item without plans restr. first
    Leaflet: admin marker drag support
    hiding plugin-specific email templates if disabled
    Search module: using en-GB lang file as fallback
    loading dependency classes in lib files
    date_sort update after item payment
    admin profiles column names length descreased
    closing bids of expired/deleted items
    removing old uppercase plugins on install
    plans view redirect if plans plugin disabled
    admin category 'Save as Copy' button added
    admin categories list category image display
    cat/reg names lang const support
    cattree/regtree 'no results' text display
    removing cat/reg search URL var
    payment plugins action url routing change
    no results' text on payment methods list
    empty coupon code submit error show
    admin fields 'Apply ordering to cat.' always shown
    orders history contact modal default title
    items rwd table columns title attribute added
    admin fields ordering note
    admin fields batch option last
    admin profiles clear data buttons changed to one
    'optimize thumbs' improvements
    delete advert confirmation change
    archive advert confirmation change
    admin regions/categories layout improvement
    admin user points json description edit support
    admin lists profile linking improvements
    admin option to recreate images for all profiles
    admin lists default ordering change
    Regions module: moduleclass_sfx support
    bank transfer info other types ID label change
    admin item edit buynow/auctions tabs hide/show
    admin fields type/in search filters
    admin item edit page guest token display
    payment page type class in wrappers
    admin lists improvements
    curl functions check on geolocation
    user plan option to reset checked/notified flags
    blog djcf_after_content plugin position moved
    J! user edit link in admin profile page
    Search module oneline layout
    admin field link scheme telegram suggestion added
    Leaflet: improved geolocation with postcode
    Leaflet: not displaying coordinates in profile
    Leaflet: street prefix geolocation improvement
    styling improvements
    lang improvements
    missing date_renew column update error FIX
    search module: submit after geolocation FIX
    setting default values for checkbox fields FIX
    loading default values in edit forms FIX
    admin user sub. plans unlimited ads display FIX
    ask form custom fields undefined warning FIX
    Regions module: non-object notice FIX
    setError() deprecated FIXES
    admin empty profile notices FIXES
    user items undefined index notice FIX
    admin item edit google map marker move FIX
    profileedit image name save FIX
    profile image watermark on profile edit FIX
    images re-ordering FIX
    Files: files re-ordering FIX
    Search module: autocomplete box max width FIX
    admin list views saving ordering in state FIXES
    displaying 3rd party avatar on profiles list FIX
    abuse reports admin email send FIX
    j4 admin profiles list image display FIX
    additem region required FIX
    admin category check/uncheck all custom fields FIX
    Conditional fields: admin saving list values FIX
    orders list pagination count FIX
    maps deprecated warnings FIX
    htmlspecialchars with null deprecated warning FIX
    additem price tooltip icon with buynow FIX
    deprecated warnings FIXES
    Regions module: manifest file version FIX
    plans menu item xml form file error FIX
    profileedit cancel link redirect FIX
    item amp page plugin enabled check FIX
    registration error redirect SEO FIX
    maps size improvements
    PHP 8.1.x deprecated FIXES
    profileedit save redirect FIX
    items region list sorting FIX
    resetting admin field subtype FIX
    Hide adult ads on all adverts list FIX
    posting in cat. not allowed edit redirect FIX
    useritems block/activate route FIX
    shipping plugin item view styling FIX
    orders history modal default theme styling FIX
    admin item promotions exp. date header display FIX
    j4 registration enabled config param FIX
    search results on forced blog layout sort FIX
    j4 ghost ad layout FIXES
    admin lists display price FIXES
    admin licence simplexml_load_file() warning FIX
    admin field input_type store if not needed FIX
    items table default image tooltip FIX
    profileedit/registration save warning FIX
    'new advert' title in guest edit page FIX
    guest item save FIX
    PayPal flagging payment as completed FIX
    j4 free plan activation FIX
    Search module custom fields disabled js error FIX
    image uploader Unexpected token '' FIX
    Authorize.net: fail payment redirect SEO FIX
    Authorize.net: php 8.0 sdk update

    Version 3.9.1 changelog

    items promotion expiration notifications
    expired user plans renew option
    additem menu item's 'Default category only' param
    Regions module: 'Hide empty' param
    item gallery 1 image FIX
    promotion 'First' items list sorting FIX
    additem joomla default editor in description FIX
    item edit description editor html display FIX
    tooltip undefined JS error FIX
    duplicated item map display in old overrides FIX
    views without menu items redirect router FIX
    network-path reference in video/map script loading
    loading template layout overrides FIX
    additem one cat only durations loading FIX
    admin global config improvements/fixes
    items table title column warning FIX
    trim() with null parameter deprecated FIXES
    wrapper classes in additem djform_row elements
    admin item completed payment published msg FIX
    admin items columns width change
    useritems edit item redirect improvement
    j4 admin global config articles selector FIX
    j4 additem form default theme css improvements
    j4 admin cpanel icons styling improvement
    j4 default theme form tooltip/rss icons FIX
    j4 admin list views JS FIXES
    j4 ul lists in modules display FIXES
    Search module: loading fields on start FIX
    Regions module: 'Save region id' js error FIX
    Regions module: not displaying if no regions
    Cat tree module: not displaying if no cats
    Authorize.net: additional user fields required

    Ver. 3.9 changelog

    - Joomla 4 compatibility
    - optimized performance
    - jQuery instead of MooTools
    - rewritten views/layouts
    - new layouts
    - reorganised configuration
    - field multiple groups support
    - favourite profiles
    - profiles search in search module
    - new 'Captcha' param for choosing captcha plugin
    - meta keywords/description fields in regions
    - new param to disallow adding adverts to regions
    - Option to show results info in category/region
    - ajax ordering in admin list views
    - field checkobox 'Values separator' new param
    - 'useglobal' menu items param support
    - default image as svg (no-image.svg)
    - 'Icon' field param
    - new 'Link text' field param
    - 'Profile verification user group map' new param
    - durations labels new param
    - additem hiding category if one only
    - categories page 'Excluded categories' new param
    - new 'userpayments' view
    - admin export payments
    - category tree mod. 'Excluded categories' new param
    - new 'Expiration notification copy to admin' param
    - 'Expiration notif. front/admin send limit' params
    - 'Hide empty' params in cattree/regtree views
    - 'Search by' param to set core fields for search
    - item unpublished info in item page (for ad author)
    - extended admin items search by word filter
    - including ghost ads in orders/sales/bids history
    - 'Auction ads renew lock' new param
    - 'Reserve price not reached' info on userbids page
    - userbids 'Ended' text for non-current auctions
    - region column & filter in admin items table
    - new 'Auction/BuyNow ads edit lock' param
    - 'View all adverts' profile link in item page
    - 'Show auctions' param in orders/sales history
    - new 'Autopublish' option ('Edit only')
    - hiding Add Item BuyNow if no Price field found
    - items mod.: 'Closest to browsed item' ord. option
    - Abuse reports for all users with captcha
    - Option to hide adult content on all items list
    - profiles page sorting params
    - changing lists default ordering per menu item
    - Leaflet plugin: 'Attribution Prefix' new param
    - Ajax plugin: pagination 'Load more button' param
    - admin field's 'Attributes' param textarea change
    - loading profile fields in search module based on field group
    - auctions improvements
    - admin 'remove from all cats' form helper param
    - 'no-image' class on imgs with default image
    - hiding unchoosable promotions
    - expiration email fail send improvement
    - item region alias in old override url SEO improv.
    - buynow form POST to GET change
    - profile edit view core/more fields html wrappers
    - cat id info in custom fields html wrapper
    - captcha below verif. alert in registration change
    - field search values save with spaces trimmed out
    - loading 'default' theme overrides removed
    - admin items list tooltip desc for Ordering column
    - new lang const for no results in fav.profile items
    - not used columns removed
    - payment plugins lowercase change for j4 compatibility
    - item price section moved to separate sub-view
    - additem view split into subviews
    - payment plugins' method output as a component's layout
    - batch fields based on .xml files
    - pkg description added
    - Ajax plugin items infinite scroll improved support
    - authorize.net improvements
    - support widget css conflict FIX
    - fields display in profile FIX
    - extra images payment FIX
    - additem form validation FIX
    - custom field's price negotiable checkbox label FIX
    - admin field apostrophe js error FIX
    - extra chars payment FIX
    - extra chars price from category duration FIX
    - playing youtube shorts videos FIX
    - type reset during free renew FIX
    - additem type labels required validation FIX
    - djimage hide empty img on load FIX
    - cid/rid in items list router FIX
    - search zero values filter FIX
    - point payment only for prom. move to top FIX
    - useritems coupons payment method display FIX
    - search module google places js error FIX
    - deleted user profile link FIX
    - complete auction after buynow FIX
    - admin license warning FIX
    - ended userbids showing buynow winning price FIX
    - approximate date display timezone FIX
    - loading date default values from profile field FIX
    - 'key too long' install FIX
    - Ajax plugin: pagination urls FIX
    - Ajax plugin: duplicated items on blog sort FIX
    - OSMap plugin: relative urls FIX
    - Invoice manager plugin: loading lang file FIX
    - Pagebreak plugin: error on params get FIX
    - lang fixes

    Version changelog

    url in ajax calls FIXES
    region alias in item links SEO FIX
    changing ad's location on edit FIX
    changing profile's location on edit FIX
    views with no menu items routing FIX
    expired plans notification to multiple users FIX
    exact coordinates in items radius search FIX
    admin item removing bids, abuse reports, orders FIX
    admin items page profile linking FIX
    admin payment page profile linking FIX
    show value on click on items page FIX
    show value on click in textarea fields FIX
    search options tab missing for profiles fields FIX
    search module FX.Accordion not found FIX
    point_price_separator param in renew item page FIX
    registration user terms joomla plugin conflict FIX
    profiles search checkbox FIX
    profile manage adverts link if no menu item FIX
    address support in items search by word filter
    additem map undefined js error FIX
    registration map undefined js error FIX
    admin item edit multicategories js error FIX
    admin items page guest email search support
    admin items xml export images FIX
    admin Undefined property stdClass $attribs FIX
    iframe saving in admin item description FIX
    items page title override seo title FIX
    new lines in texterea show value on click FIX
    orders history profile linking FIX
    missing space in category point price FIX
    auction timer hidden if unlimited exp. date FIX
    admin textarea fields default height increase
    bank transfer info lang const support
    admin field search values params textarea change
    'Allow HTML tags in desc.' enabled by default
    lang fixes

    Version changelog

    ! items promotions exp. date calculation after edit FIX
    ! ajax call routing FIX
    ! privacy policy modal FIX
    ! terms/privacy in modal in item page FIX
    ! items module add to favourites FIX
    ! add item to favourites without ID router FIX
    ! default theme items module fav icon FIX
    ! editing items from deleted plans subscriptions FIX
    ! Falang search fields translation FIX
    ! admin coupon controller save FIX
    ! admin item desc editor-xtd missing buttons FIX
    ! admin edit profile show fields if no profile saved
    ! image uploader jquery UI button lib FIX
    ! $item_cid warning in payment plugins FIX
    ! offers views overrides FIX
    ! quantity 1 on buynow item renew with 0 quantity
    ! ad expire in parameter numeric filter

    Ver. changelog

    ! ask seller email sending FIX
    ! loading js lib dependant scripts FIX

    Ver. changelog

    ! assigning promotions after payment FIX
    ! DB duplicated 'new' column update FIX
    ! calculate prices with disabled promotions FIX
    ! modules directory separator warning FIX
    ! admin item Duration field enabled
    ! admin cpanel changelog link change
    ! old add item view override duration payment FIX
    ! changing category durations on back to edit FIX
    ! displaying user points descriptions in admin FIX
    ! wrong cat. handling empty 'Custom page' param FIX
    ! regions table mix of collations utf8->utf8mb4 FIX
    ! cat/reg alias is region check FIX
    ! wrong category routing FIX
    ! wrong category multiple segments routing FIX
    ! admin new item choosable promotions FIX
    ! count() warning in ask form attachment check FIX
    ! setting SEO page title only if title not empty
    ! djlicense warning reporting FIX

    Ver. 3.8.3 changelog

    + admin items on xml forms
    + admin profiles on xml forms
    + admin items "Show front-end page" link
    + admin items "Unblock" option
    + admin edit item layout refreshed
    + admin edit item: payment info with an option to complete the pending payment
    + admin profiles "Show front-end page" link
    + admin profiles "Region" filter
    + admin profiles "Verified" flag change option
    + admin offers j4 ready
    + admin cpanel j4 ready
    + items favourites menu item params
    + useritems menu item default category param
    + new 'Canonical tags' SEO parameter
    + 'Don't index empty categories' new param
    + 'Point price separator' new param
    + add item duration select's empty value
    + new 'Pre-fill location data' parameter
    + 'Only ID in profile url' new param
    + marking the active promotion on "back to edit/renew"
    + not unpublishing ads when only promotions chosen (additem/renewitem)
    + duration change possibility on "back to edit"
    + 'date_exp' recalculation after payment on new items
    + removing the previous payment when doing new one or editing advert
    + password rules validation in registration form
    + remembering basic user data on registration form
    + image uploader with no MooTools dependency
    + component's own captcha solution removed
    + date literal 'M' format in custom fields support
    + useritems theme override support
    + admin js MooTools tooltips lib loading removed
    + Search mod.: option to disable first cat. select
    + PayU payment plugin’s recurring support
    ! editing advert after renew before payment FIX
    ! updating durations promotions additem/renew FIX
    ! free move to top activation message FIX
    ! subtracted points history translation FIX
    ! payments page layout improvements (additional colons)
    ! space in point price on additem page FIXES
    ! 'max_input_vars' limit reach admin field save FIX
    ! abuse terms checkbox label click FIX
    ! search module custom fields loading optimisation
    ! 'allow_url_fopen' disabled check msg as lang const
    ! admin payment multiple types new line FIX
    ! 'show on click' custom field option improvement
    ! useritems redirect after free 'move to top'
    ! treating zeros as empty values in form fields FIX
    ! date custom fields negative timezone offset FIX
    ! payment validation script moved to view.html.php
    ! payment terms moved to the separate template file
    ! nocaptcha lib constructor FIX
    ! "back to edit" button on payment page after renew changed to "back to renew"
    ! Ask form wrong file extension notification FIX
    ! Sending Ask form message when wrong file uploaded FIX
    ! multicategories plug support in admin items filter
    ! Items module random ordering FIX
    ! dash in view name routing FIX
    ! date() fn replaced with JDate
    ! added missing plugin event to the list table FIX
    ! category custom fields additem ordering FIX
    ! falang all categories menu items routing support
    ! admin lists layout improvements
    ! price format in additem payable chars FIX
    ! checkAll in admin payments list FIX
    ! choosing last min-max search field val improvement
    ! thumbnails default values FIX
    ! additem display char price after cat. change FIX
    ! ad copy with images with no original image FIX
    ! items Price ordering FIX
    ! custom fields DB optimisation
    ! flagging expired auctions as won FIX
    ! updated license manager
    ! db profiles table primary key added
    ! regions lib cache warning FIX
    ! plans point price output improvements
    ! 'Multiple Attachment Upload' param disabled FIX
    ! Komento plugin 'stdClass::$created_by' FIX
    ! PayPal: sandbox notification FIX
    ! PayPal: recurring payment id store FIX
    ! lang fixes

    DJ-Classifieds Offers App

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    Ver. 3.9.2 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Ghost Ads App

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    Ver. 3.9.2 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Files Attachments App

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    Ver. 3.9.2 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Subscription Plans App

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    Ver. 3.9.2 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Subscription Plans User Plugin

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    Ver. 3.9 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Coupons App

    Ver. 3.10.1 changelog

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    Ver. 3.9.2 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Ajax App

    Does not work with YOOtheme Pro.

    Ver. 3.10.1 changelog

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    Ver. 3.9.2 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Internal Messaging

    Works with Joomla 3 only.

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    Ver. 3.9 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds MultiCategories App

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    Ver. 3.9.2 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Conditional Fields Plugin

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    Ver. 3.9.2 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Bad Words App

    Ver. 3.9 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Search Alerts App

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    Ver. 3.9.2 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds-Importer Component

    Version 1.5 changelog

    Version 1.4 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Payment PayPal Plus

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Payment Fondy

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Payment PortMone

    Ver. 3.10 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Payment Stripe

    Ver. 3.9.2 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Payment Sofort Banking

    Ver. 3.9.2 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Payment Przelewy24

    Ver. 3.9.2 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Payment PayU

    Ver. 3.9.2 changelog

    DJ-Classifieds Payment Dotpay

    Ver. 3.8.3 changelog