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New to DJ-Extensions?



At the beginning, let's take a look at the DJ-Classifieds component configuration. Click the Options button from the control panel, and you will see the popup window:
dj-classifieds component configuration

Here's a short description of all options:


dj-classifieds global settings

General Settings

  • Access level – Select group of users allowed to post items/ads.
  • Auto publish – Define if the items added from frontend should be published automatically.
  • Durations - Enable this feature to control available durations with "Durations" tab. This will allow you to define different duration possibilities to choose from by advertisers.
  • Ad expire in (days) – Here you can set when advert will expire. This feature works only if "Durations" is set to "No".
  • Points - Decide if you want to use point/credit system.
  • Promotions - Enable this feature to allow users to attach Promotions to their ads. Available promotions can be managed in the admin 'Promotions' page.
  • Prom. 'move to top' – Promotion 'move to top' allows user to move his advert to the top of the list.
  • Auctions – Allow users to enable auctions system for advert.
  • Buy now - This feature allows to publish adverts with Buy Now option.
  • Paying for chars in description - Enable this option when you want to charge for characters in description.
  • Favourites - Enable or disable 'favourites' functionality. With that option set to 'yes' users will be able to add adverts to their favourites list.
  • Favourite profilesAllow registered users to add profiles to their 'Favourite profiles' list.
  • Advert preview - Allow registered users to preview their adverts before publishing.
  • Renew available (days) Here you can decide how many days before the expiration the "Renew" option is available for advertisers.
  • Show archived - Decide whether to show archive items on front with system message.
  • Allow users to archive ads - Allow users to move adverts to archive.
  • Users can delete archive ads - Allow users to delete archived adverts.
  • Action on ad delete - Decide what behaviour should be applied when user deletes advert on front.
  • Allow user to block adverts - User will be able to block adverts from publication.
  • Allow user to copy advert - User will be able to copy adverts on his adverts list.
  • Guests can edit ad – When enabled, guests receive a special link for editing their advert. 'Email for guests' parameter must be enabled.
  • Guests can delete ad – When enabled, guests receive a special link for deleting their advert. 'Email for guests' parameter must be enabled.
  • Admin can edit/delete ad - Decide if administrator can edit / delete adverts on frontpage.
  • Search in Advert core fields to search in, when searching by word using Search module.
  • Type of searching by word - Define if searching by word should look for the exact entered phrase or any of the entered words (having more than 2 letters).
  • Search by whole words only - If enabled, when searching for e.g. a 'test' word, items containing words like 'testing' will not be included in search results.
  • Custom fields values to labelsdecide whether to change values of custom fields to joomla labels.
  • Show tooltips in forms Show tooltips in forms (Add item, Profile edit, Registration, etc.).
  • Show empty fields choose if you want to display empty custom fields in advert details.
  • Contact only for registered - Set to "Yes" if you want to show contact details of the advertiser only to registered users.
  • Cache in categories cache in categories library.
  • Cache in regions - cache in regions library.
  • Admin filters limits
  • Admin support widget - Enable Support widget in DJ-Classifieds admin pages (bottom right corner)


dj-classifieds views settings

General view

  • Theme - select theme.
  • Include default CSS - use your template's default styling for pagination and menu(categories).
  • Ads per page – number of adverts displayed per page.
  • Default ordering – default ordering in table/blog view.
  • Default ordering direction – default ordering direction in the items view.
  • Table type – choose one of table layout in table view.
  • Profile items - list type - set the type of layout for displaying adverts in profile page.
  • "NEW" icon - show/hide new advert indication.
  • Marked as "NEW" (days) - set how long a new ad will be marked as new (in days).
  • Go straight to the ad – If enabled, click from table/blog will link directly to the classified ad title. Disabled, will link to the top of the page.
  • Show results count for - Choose where to show the "found X results" text.

Add item

  • Title characters limit maximum number of characters in the title.
  • Editor in description select if you want to display editor for the description in the add item view.
  • Allow HTML tags in desc. - allow users to use html tags in the description
  • Allowed HTML tags in desc. enter allowed html tags in the description, separated by semicolon.
  • Allow HTML tags in fields Set if allow users to use HTML tags in custom fields.
  • Auto-select visited category auto-select last visited category in new advert creation form.
  • Categories ordering - select categories ordering.
  • Use "Intro description"  set it to "yes" if you want to display intro descriptions.
  • Intro desc. characters limit maximum number of characters in the intro description/
  • Use "Regions" - Allow users to select a region from the defined regions tree.
  • Regions ordering select regions ordering.
  • Use "Address" - Enable or disable "Address" field in new advert form.
  • Use "Post code" Enable or disable post code field. This field will appear during advert submission and in advert details.
  • Pre-fill location data - Copy logged in user's profile location data into the Add item form.
  • Use "Contact" Decide how "Contact" field is used. Yes/No are self descriptive. If you select "Custom field" then you can use this field as an extra field - so you can set it to display for particular categories same way all other extra fields.
  • Use "Price" set it to 'yes' if you want to display prices.
  • Use "Price negotiable"Allow advertisers to select this as option to price.
  • Use "Types"Enable this to use "Types". You can define advert types in "Types" tab.
  • Use "VideoAllow for videos in adverts. Videos can be inserted from YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Email for guests Field with email address of unregistered users posting ads.


  • Show default image - Display default image when advert doesn't have images.
  • Allow plugins in desc. - Allow Joomla plugins in description.
  • Intro desc. in advert - Select if you want to display intro description text in advert view.
  • Ask seller form - Select if you want to display "Ask seller" form in the single ad view.
  • Ask seller copy to admin - Decide if you want to reach copy of message sent to seller.
  • Ask seller copy to sender - Send to sender a copy of the message sent to seller.
  • Ask seller msg target - Message from ask seller form can be send to advert author email and via DJ-Classifieds plugins or via DJ-Classifieds plugins only. 
  • Ask seller form for - Select if you want to display "ask seller" form for the registred users only or for all users with the security captcha option.
  • File in ask seller formDecide if you want to enable files in ask seller form.
  • Abuse report - Enable or disable users to send abuse reports to you.
  • Abuse reports for Select if you want to display "Report abuse" form for the registred users only or for all users with the security captcha option.
  • Ask seller and abuse position - Select where ask seller form and abuse raport should be shown.
  • Show additional details - Select if you want to display advert details in the single ad view.
  • Show added date in details Show added date in advert page.
  • Show modified date in details Show modified date in advert page.
  • Show author - Show or hide author's name.
  • Author name – Choose if you want to display author's name or username.
  • Avatar source – Select component which will be avatar source.
  • Link to social profile – Decide if you want to add link to social profile in advert details page.
  • Social buttons position – Set where you want to show the social buttons.
  • Social buttons code – Paste your social buttons code.
  • Comments – Disable comments or choose what type of comments to use.
  • Show print icon - Enabling it displays a link to the page with simplified advert view.

Categories in Table/Blog

  • Breadcrumbs - Enabling it shows category breadcrumbs.
  • RSS Feed - Enable/disable RSS feed for categories.
  • Display number of ads – Display amount of ads in the category list view.
  • Categories in table/blog view - Select if you want to display categories in table/blog view.
  • Categories sort direction - Categories sort in table/blog view.
  • Categories ordering - Select categories ordering.
  • Hide empty categories - choose if you want to hide empty categories in table/blog view.
  • Categories columns - Number of columns in subcategories list in table/blog view.
  • Table/Blog header title – Show/hide header title on Table/Blog view.
  • Category desc. in header – Show description of category on adverts list of this category.
  • Category desc. in categories - Decide whether to show descriptions of categories displayed under adverts list.
  • Show items on root cat. – Show items on root category at Table/Blog view.
  • Go straight to the category – When set to 'Yes' - click from table/blog view links directly to the category list. When set to 'No' it'll link to the top of the page.


  • Show image column – Show image column in table view.
  • Show location column – Select if you want to display "location" column in table view.
  • Show price column – Select if you want to display "price" column in the items view.
  • Show description column – Select if you want to display "description" column in the items view.
  • Show category column – Select if you want to display "category" column in the items view.
  • Show added date column – Select if you want to display "add date" column in the items view.
  • Show expire date column – Select if you want to display "expiration date" column in the items view.
  • Show hits column – Select if you want to display number of ad's hits column in the items view.
  • Distance column – Distance column shows distance from advert location to user. User location is based on HTML5 Geolocation.
  • Distance column unit – Choose if distance will be displayed in kilometers or miles.
  • Table image tooltip – Select if you want to display tooltip with a description on image hover in table view.
  • Table title tooltip – Select if you want to display tooltip with a description on title hover in table view.
  • Tooltip number of images – Set how many images should be displayed in tooltip.
  • Price in tooltip – Set if you want to display price in tooltip.
  • Contact in tooltip – Show contact in tooltip.
  • Location in tooltip – Show location in tooltip.


  • Columns in blog view – Number of columns in the blog view.
  • Blog description position – Set where the description in Blog view should be locate.
  • Show image - Select between: only image from advert, image from advert and default image, or no image.
  • Show category – Show/hide category name in blog view.
  • Show region – Show/hide region in blog view.
  • Show distance - Distance field will show kilometers/miles from advert address be based on HTML5 Location.
  • Show price – Show/hide price in blog view.
  • Show "See details" link – Show/hide "See details" blog view.
  • Show sorting – Decide if users will be able to sort ads in category blog view.
  • Allowed sorting values – Select on which values users will be able to sort.

Smart table

Categories Tree

Regions tree


Profile Edit


  1. Show profile image - Yes/No
  2. Show regions - Show regions selectors in user registration.
  3. Show address - Show address field in user registration.
  4. Show postcode - Show postcode field in user registration.

Maps & Locations

Map Provider - Google

dj-classifieds map provider google settings

General view

Map Provider - Leaflet

dj-classifieds map prodiver leaflet settings

General view


dj-classifieds images settings

General view




DJ-MediaTools Integration


dj-classifieda dates settings

General Settings


dj-classifieds prices settings

General Settings

Email Notifications

dj-classifieds email notifications settings

General Settings

Admin notifications


dj-classifieds security settings

General Settings


dj-classifieds SEO settings

General Settings

URL naming

Page title

Meta tags

Heading tags



dj-classifieds permissions settings

In permissions tab you can set the permissions for particular DJ-Classifieds actions:

Click the Save & Close button once you have configured all the parameters.