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Cookies - DJ-Classifieds

Here's the list of cookies used by DJ-Classifieds if you want to include it on your list of cookies used on the website. This can be useful if you want to comply with the GDPR fully.

Cookie Name Purpose Duration
djcf_last_newregid Used in administrator panel during the creation of the regions to improve adding of regions, parent id of the lastly added region is stored, and in new regions, the same parent id is auto-selected 7 days 
djcf_lastitems Used to display lastly viewed adverts in DJ-Classifieds Items module default 7 days and depends on the configuration of the parameter "Recently viewed ads store time".
Stores the geolocation information shared by the browser. They are used for:
- maps centralization, so the user sees his area, 
- driver directions 
- radius search around a point
1 day
djcf_regid Restricts adverts in DJ-Classifieds modules and components to preselected by user location  30 days
djcf_clatlon Restricts adverts in DJ-Classifieds modules and components to shared by user geolocation 30 days
Auto-selection of the lastly seen category in the search
Auto-selection of the lastly seen category in new advert form 
Display adverts in DJ-Classifieds Items module from lastly seen category
djcf_warning18 Stores information about confirmation of age for restricted content 1 day