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Displaying the DJ-Classifieds on Website

Display Joomla Classified Script on Your Website

Seventeen Views to Choose From

Using the DJ-Classifieds component, there are twenty view options available:
  1. Add item (advert submission form)
  2. Category tree
  3. Items (Category blog layout)
  4. Items (Category table layout)
  5. Points packages
  6. Profile editing
  7. Profiles
  8. Regions tree
  9. Single item
  10. User bids
  11. User favourite items
  12. User Items
  13. User orders history
  14. User payments
  15. User points
  16. User profile
  17. User sales history

To display one of the component views, navigate to Menus  → Your_Menu  and create a new menu item. Now click the Select button for the Menu Item Type option and under the DJ-Classifieds title in the popup window, you will see the list of available component views.

DJ-Classifieds component views

Add Item

This view displays a form for adding a new advert by a user.
post an ad in classified script

Category Tree

This view displays the tree of all categories. The number of levels being displayed depends on settings in component options.

category tree in classified script

Items (Category Bog Layout)

This view displays all adverts or adverts from the selected category in the blog layout view.
It is possible to set how many ads should be displayed on one page.
category blog layout in Joomla classified script

Look at the example view of the category blog layout. Promoted adverts are on the top of the list and have a blue background to be more visible.

classified listing view

Items (Category Table Layout)

This view displays all adverts or adverts from the selected category in the table layout view. There are three kinds of the table view. You can choose one to use in component options or menu item settings.
It is possible to set how many ads should be displayed on one page.
category table layout in classified script

Look at the example view of the category table layout. Promoted adverts are on the top of the table and have a blue background to be more visible.

category view in classified script

Points Packages

This view displays points packages available to buy.

displays point pacages in classified script

User Profile Edit

On this view, the user can edit his profile.
user profile editing classified script


This view displays the list of all user profiles.

DJ-Classifieds profiles

Regions Tree

This view displays the tree of all regions.

DJ-Classifieds regions tree

Single Item

This view displays a single item view. Make sure you have selected the item you want to display.
single item admin panel view

User Bids

This view displays bids made by user.

DJ-Classifieds user bids

User Favourites

This view displays items marked by the user as his favourites.
add advert to favourites

User Items

This view displays all adverts added by the user.
DJ-Classifieds user items

User Orders History

This view displays the history of orders made by the user.

User Payments

This view displays items marked by the user as his favourites.
DJ-Classifieds user payments

User Points

This view displays the history of user points.
DJ-Classifieds user points history

User Profile

This view displays the user profile with his avatar and custom fields assigned to the profile.

User Sales History

This view displays the history of orders made by the user.