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How to assign DJ-Classifieds module to tabs (DJ-Tabs)

In this tutorial, I will show how to configure the DJ-Classifieds extension, assigned to any tab of DJ-Tabs extension. We start by creating two DJ-Classifieds modules. 

Then we will make two Tabs and aim them at previously created modules. Finally, we will create a module, which displays it all.
After reading this tutorial, you will know how to add and display any module in chosen position using DJ-Tabs extension.

DJ-Classifieds, module configuration

Latest ads module

First, we will create a module that contains the latest ads. To do that, head over to Content -> Site Modules and click "New". Find and choose "DJ-Classifieds Items".

Set as follows:

  • Title - type title of the module
  • Number of items - choose several ads to display
  • Number of columns - specify how many columns will display ads.
  • Type a unique name for the position, that you don’t use anywhere else for example latest-ads-tab
  • Menu Assignment tab - assign module to all pages

Click Save and Close.

Featured ads module

Then, we will create a module that contains feature ads. Create it the same way as "Latest ads module", but set it like this:

  • Title - type module title
  • Number of items - choose the number of ads to display
  • Several columns - specify how many columns will display ads.
  • Only promotion “Special” - Yes, we want to display ads with promotion.
  • Choose a unique position, for example i used featured-ads-tab
  • Menu Assignment tab - assign module to all pages

Click Save and Close.

DJ-Tabs, configuration

Now you need to configure DJ-Tabs. If you don’t know this extension, I invite you to read the DJ-Tabs documentation and visit DJ-Tabs product page.

DJ-Tabs Item which contains DJ-Classifieds Module

Firstly, we’ll create a new group of tabs. Go to Components -> DJ-Tabs -> Groups and Click New.
Name it as you like, for this tutorial, i'll call it Tabs1

(Make sure the status is Published)

Click Save and Close

Now we will create a DJ-Tab Item. Go to Components -> DJ-Tabs -> Items and click New.

Set fields as follow:

  • Name - Type name of the tab item.
  • Group - Choose a group of item we created earlier
  • Type - Select "Module Position"
  • Position - Type your unique position that you used in DJ-Classifieds Latest Module.
  • Status - Published

Click Save and New

Now create the item for "Featured ads module", where you must change position to one you created for this module.

How to Create DJ-Tabs Module

Once you created both DJ-Tabs Items, the last step is to create the module. Go to Content -> Site Modules and click "New". Find and choose "DJ-Tabs".

  • Title - type module title
  • Select group - choose the group where you placed Tab Items
  • Select theme - choose a theme from the list.
  • Select Layout - Tabs (you can also use another layout)
  • Position - choose a position in which in the module should be displayed, in my case main-top
  • Menu Assignment tab - assign module to all pages