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How to automatically post new ads to Facebook Pages

This tutorial will show you how to setup DJ-Classifieds along with IFTTT to auto-post adverts to Facebook Pages.

The ingredients (what you'll need)

  1. DJ Classifieds Joomla extension -  http://dj-extensions.com/dj-classifieds
  2. Facebook Page -  https://www.facebook.com/help/www/104002523024878
  3. IFTTT account -  https://ifttt.com/

Let's go

First, you need to make sure you have enabled the RSS Feed in DJ-Classifieds extension.

  1. Open DJ-Classifieds configuration,
  2. Open Views tab,
  3. Find RSS Feed setting and set it to RSS


  1. Create an account at IFTTT (or use the one you have already)
  2. Create the recipe
    1. once signed in to IFTT click Create
    2. as IF THIS choose Feed
    3. choose New feed item
    4. Copy the RSS feed address from DJ-Classifieds website and paste it in IFTTT Feed URL field
    5. Click Create Trigger
    6. Click Then That
    7. choose Facebook Pages Action Channel
    8. choose Create a link post
    9. Activate the Facebook Pages Channel (follow FB instructions)
    10. Click Done once ready
    11. Click Continue to the next step
    12. Choose to Create a link post from Action
    13. Enter a default message that will appear each time a new ad appears on your page
    14. and click Create Action
    15. to finalize the process click Create Recipe button
    16. IFTTT recipe was created, and new ads will be automatically posted to your Facebook Page

Final effect - check if it works

  • Add the advert
  • check the effect on your Facebook Page


  1. *Please note that IFTTT checks your recipes every 15 minutes (sometimes faster) so Facebook Page posts are not instant. You can, however, check if it works instantly clicks the CHECK RECIPE NOW button: 
  2. You can create different recipes for different categories. See how you can find RSS Feed for any category in DJ-Classifieds.