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How to Enable and Use “Recently Viewed Adverts” Feature in Items Module?

This feature is available in Items Module. Very powerful module to display DJ-Classifieds adverts in different ways. Learn more about Items Module.

How to Set the Items Module to Display Recently Viewed Ads?

First, open the Items module. Go to Extensions -> Modules -> click “Search tools” and filter for DJClassifieds Items module (or create a new one. You can also duplicate existing module if it’s more convenient for you).

Module Settings

I’ve created a new DJClassifieds Items module for this tutorial and called it “Recently Viewed Adverts”. Then in “Source” setting in the module, I chose “Recently viewed adverts” from the select list in Source setting.

recently viewed adverts settings
I have also set the number of items to be displayed to 3 and set 3 columns in Number of columns setting, so now users will see three recently viewed adverts.
You can also use the Ordering feature in the module, so the module's items will appear in the set order.
Now place the module in the module position you want it to be displayed (and remember to publish it).

Component Settings

Additionally, you can set the behaviour of the module with settings in the DJ-Classifieds component.
Open DJ-Classifieds Options -> Security tab and scroll down.
Here you’ll find two settings:
DJ-Classifieds component settings
Recently viewed ads limit - this setting lets you set how many adverts should be stored in cookies. Remember not to set this number higher than the number of items you set in the module settings.
Recently viewed ads store time - this setting lets you set for how long cookie will remember the adverts viewed by the user. If a user comes back later to the website after that time, nothing will appear in recently viewed ads.