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New to DJ-Extensions?

Items module

The DJ-Classifieds Items module is a simple module that allows displaying the adverts in a particular order - last, popular or random.

Let's take a look at the module parameters:


  • Slider - Apply additional jQuery script for showing items in a slider layout
  • Number of items – number of advertisements displayed in the module
  • Number of columns – choose the number of columns displayed in the module
  • Source – choose the source of adverts
  • Ordering – choose order to display - most recent/popular/name/random/promotion "Special" days left/recently viewed/closed to the browsed item/advert author's last visit date
  • Sort direction - choose direction in which the adverts will be sorted
  • Categories - only adverts from chosen categories will be shown
  • Follow category – choose yes if the module should display only ads from the category that visitor is currently viewing
  • Locations - only adverts from chosen locations will be shown
  • Follow location – choose yes if the module should display only ads from the location that visitor is currently viewing
  • Types – select one or more Types, leave empty to select all
  • Follow type - choose yes if the module should display only ads from the type that visitor is currently viewing
  • The ID of Adverts – only adverts from this list will be shown ( ID separated by comma)
  • The ID of Users – only adverts posted by users from this list will be shown ( ID separated by comma)
  • Follow search choose yes if the module should display only ads from the search that visitor is currently viewing
  • Follow author choose yes if the module should display only ads from the author that visitor is currently viewing
  • Adverts from user groups - show adverts from authors from specific user groups only
  • promotion "Special" – choose if the module should show only ads promoted in promotion "Special."
  • promotion "First" – choose if the module should show only ads promoted in promotion "First."
  • promotion "Bold" – choose if the module should show only ads promoted in promotion "Bold."
  • promotion "Border" – choose if the module should show only ads promoted in promotion "Border."
  • promotion "Background" – choose if the module should show only ads promoted in promotion "Background."
  • Only Auctions - with this parameter enabled module will display only adverts with auctions
  • Only adverts with images – show only adverts with images
  • Only from 'verified' users - show only items from users flagged as 'verified' 

  • Show image – show image – yes/no
  • Show default image – show default image if the advert doesn't have an image – yes/no
  • Thumbnail type - select type of thumbnail small/medium/big
  • Thumbnail width -  
  • Thumbnail height 
  • Show title – yes/no
  • Chars in the title – the maximum number of characters in the title
  • Show 'favourite' icon - show 'favourite' icon - yes/no
  • Show date – show date – yes/no
  • Show category – show category – yes/no
  • Category linked – link the category title – yes/no
  • Show location - show location yes / no
  • Show price - show price yes/no
  • Show description – show description – yes/no
  • Description source - choose if the description in the module should go from intro or a full description
  • A description linked – link the description – yes/no
  • Chars in the description – the maximum number of characters in the description
  • Show custom fields - yes/no
  • Show empty fields - use global/yes/no

Advanced Tab

  • Layout - use the layout from the module or overrides in the templates
  • Module Class - A suffix to be applied to the CSS class of the module. This allows for individual module styling.
  • Caching - Use the global cache setting to cache the content of this module or disable caching for this module.
  • Cache Time - the time in seconds before the module is reached
  • Load with Ajax - yes/no
  • Module Tag - the HTML tag for module
  • Bootstrap Size - an option to specify how many columns the module will use
  • Header Tag - the HTML tag for module header/title
  • Header Class - the CSS class for module header/title
  • Module Style  - use this option to override the template style for its position