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Search module

The search module for the DJ-Classifieds component.
The module allows you to display additional search attributes.
Select Yes for In search option in the custom field configuration to display custom field as a search attribute for a specified category.


Filter by "Buy Now"


Module parameters:

  • Source - Choose if the search module should apply to items/adverts or profiles
  • Search by word - decide if you want to allow users searching by word
  • Show "Search by word" label - display or hide the label
  • Search by word autocomplete - hints in search input basing on categories, regions and advert names
  • Autocomplete source

  • Location filter - display or hide location filter
  • Show "Location" label
  • Type of location selector - decide if you want to have each category in different select or all regions in one selected.
  • Hide 1. level of location
  • Location ordering
  • Default location
  • Follow location - When you are browsing items from specific location, assign this location in the module automatically
  • Hide empty locations -
  • Search in a radius of the postcode - allows the user to enter a postcode and select the radius they want to search ads.
  • Search in the radius of address (places API) - allows users to search in some radius of address in hints from Google API.  "Only one of the two fields \" searching by postcode\" or \" searching by address\" can be enabled."
  • Geolocation - browser geolocation, basing on HTML5

  • Category filter- display or hide category filter.
  • Show "Category" label
  • Type of category selector - decide if you want to have each category in different select or all regions in one selected category.
  • Hide 1. level of category
  • Category ordering
  • Default category-select all categories or one choose one of them.
  • Follow category- yes/no
  • Hide empty categories
  • Show custom fields

  • Type filter - display or hide type filter
  • Show "Type" label
  • Follow type
  • Hide empty types

  • Account type (Profile field group) filter -
  • Time filter - allow users to set the time of publication
  • Show "When Added" label - display or hide the label
  • Price - display or hide price filter
  • Show "Price" label - display or hide the label
  • "price negotiable" filter -
  • "only with images" filter - display or hide 'only with images' filter
  • "only with video" filter - display or hide 'only with video' filter
  • "only auctions" filter - display or hide 'show only auctions' filter
  • "only buy now" filter - display or hide 'show only Buy Now' filter
  • Always include adult ads
  • "include adult ads in search" filter - in the search module, a checkbox will be added with the label “Include adult ads in search.”
  • Reset - decide if you want to display 'reset' as a button, a link or not to display at all