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Bank transfer DJ-Classifieds integration

Bank transfer payment plugin is a simple solution to display bank details. Useful when the website administrator wants to process the payments manually. Once a user chooses a Bank transfer payment gateway, will be introduced with the bank transfer details. The administrator then checks the bank account and manually make appropriate changes to the user's account.

This payment plugin works as an offline Bank Transfer option. It comes free with DJ-Classifieds. You need to enable and configure it manually in the Joomla backend.

Backend installation

Basically speaking you use this plugin to enter details that your customers (advertisers) will see once they choose this payment method.

There are only Basic Options available for this plugin.

  • You can enable/disable the plugin
  • You can enter Bank Account Informations in the plugin box. This information will be displayed to the advertiser once this payment method is selected.

Frontend usage

Now, when user wants to pay for the advert using regular (offline) bank transfer method, he'll also see the Advert ID as well as Payment ID when chooses this payment method.

This is meant to be used as information of what to put on bank transfer title. Then administrator when checking the payments on his account can easily tie the payment to the advert on site. Just point to the user that he should use the Payment or Advert ID in the title of his money transfer.
note: there's nothing automatic in this plugin, you should use it when you don't want to collect money automatically. So once the money is on your bank account you publish the advertisement on site.

More information about the Bank transfer payment plugin