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New to DJ-Extensions?

Stripe DJ-Classifieds integration

Integrate Stripe with DJ-Classifieds and connect your business with Stripe's payment processing platform. Stripe allows you to transfer money from a customer's bank account into your business's account by way of a credit or debit card transaction.   
Stripe supports processing payments in 135+ currencies, allowing you to charge customers in their native currency while receiving funds in yours.

This payment plugin comes free with DJ-Classifieds. You need to download, install, enable and configure it manually - get it from the downloads section (available for active subscribers).


After installation you need to setup the plugin.

  • Open DJ-Classifieds Cpanel
  • Click "Payments" icon
  • Open DJ-Classfieds Stripe Payment plugin
    • Set status to "Enabled" - so the payment method is visible on frontend
    • Secret Key
    • Publishable Key 
    • Currency code - select a curency code used by DJ-Classifieds
  • Save & Close

Frontend usage

After a successful setup, the payment plugin will be visible for users willing to pay for DJ-Classifieds points and adding ads.

More information about the Stripe payment plugin