Shipping for DJ-Classifieds
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to install and customize shipping options in DJ-Classifieds.
The shipping plugin is available for free for all DJ-Classifieds subscribers. Once you're logged in with your active account, you can access downloads section
Backend View
Go to System -> Manage -> Plugins -> search for DJ-Classifieds - Shipping and enable plugin if it’s disabled (click gray cross icon beside plugin name)
Go to Components -> DJ-Classifieds -> Shippings. You will see two sample shipping options. Now I'll show you how to make your own. Click New.
- Type name of the shipping
- Price- type price of shipping
- Description- type description
- Click Save and Close.
- Go to the Shipping tab.
- Set shipping you created before as "Active"
- Price - for each item could be the default, or you can also customize it to fit your needs, by typing own price.
- Description - for each item could be the default, or you can also customize it to fit your needs, by typing own description.
- Click Save and Close.
Frontend View
How does it look on the frontend of the site? Let's assume, that seller wants to add advert on the frontend. He fills all the required fields (I won't describe it here), and at the end, change shipping options. The seller can select/deselect specific shipping method and change its price.
When the shipment has a $ 0.00 value, you can use the "Free Shipping" option!