Contact Form in the User Profile
Contact Form for User Profile in DJ-Classifieds
In the user profile you can now find such form:
You can easily enable this button in the control panel.
Open the DJ-Classifieds configuration. Choose the "Views" tab and scroll down to "Advert view" section, find "Ask seller" option and choose "Yes - from DJ-Classifieds".
That is a common parameter for contact in the ads and contact in the user profile.
The message content you can edit in the Email templates - available in the DJ-Classifieds control panel.
Now choose the email template with ID 34: "Ask form in profile - contact email".
Here you can edit the content:
Profile messages also have limits to prevent spam messages. Open the DJ-Classifieds options and then choose the "Security" tab.
Scroll down and set the numerical values of your choice.
You can set:
- Pause time between messages
- Number of messages per hour