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How to add User Profile Picture to user's profile in DJ-Classifieds

This step by step tutorial shows how to allow your users to set their own profile images (avatar).

STEP 1: Enable "DJ-Classifieds User Menu" Module

  1. Go to Content
  2. Open Side Modules
  3. Add new site module
  4. Find and enable DJ-Classifieds User Menu
joomla selecting a module type

STEP 2: Set the Module

In module settings:

  1. set "Show edit Profile link" to "Yes"
  2. set the position of the module
  3. set it to be "Published"
joomla setting the module

STEP 3: Locate the New Item in "User Menu"

"Edit profile" link appears in the DJClassifieds User Menu

dj-classifieds user menu

STEP 4: User Can Now Add His Profile Picture

After clicking the link mentioned in STEP#3 user can edit his profile adding the Profile image

dj-classifieds edit profile