DJ-Classifieds 3.5 - what will change, new App "Coupons" + closed Beta

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DJ-Classifieds 3.5 - what will change, new App "Coupons" + closed Beta
20 July 2016
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DJ-Classifieds 3.5 - what will change, new App "Coupons" + closed Beta

26 November, 2021

We're on final steps of releasing DJ-Classifieds version 3.5. Below you'll find a list of what will be added/changed/fixed (over 40 items in change log of what we have now). There will probably be more things we'll add to the final version. However for now this is what you can expect.

We're calling users that can intensively test the new version.

We're looking for users that will install this Beta version (in safe environment like copy of their live site) and test it if it has any bugs or something is not working as intended.

  • You need to be active subscriber of DJ-Classifieds
  • Your site has to be working for some time in production - so you know your site and will find out easily if there are bugs you'll notice
  • You need to be able to check if the update went find and if there were any issues with it regarding your current Joomla template and other extensions

If you're someone who would like to test the new version please write at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and describe your site and how you can test this new version + timeframe when you can do it and we'll pick users that fit best this testing procedure.

We'll also provide the latest App for DJ-Classifieds - Coupons.

With this app you'll be able to generate coupons for users to attract more of them with discounts.
Here's a short video explaining what will be possible with Coupons App:


Below is list of things that were added or fixed (this is a complete list with numbers that you can refer to when you have questions about the feature it represents. 3 of the features are described in more details below the complete list - so click or scroll down to learn more about them. More info about the Coupons App is above).

! - stands for fix of the problem

+ - stands for new feature

  1. (!) Multicategories APP - problem with label translations
  2. (!) Problem with paying for extra plugin elements while paying also for payments.
  3. (+) Multicategories support in Maps module
  4. (!) Paypal payment assigning points package issue on French language
  5. (+) Better support for Joomla cache in DJ-Classifieds Maps module
  6. (+) Better support for Joomla cache in DJ-Classifieds Regions module
  7. (+) Better support for Joomla cache in DJ-Classifieds Category Tree module
  8. (+) Better support for Joomla cache in DJ-Classifieds Category Menu module
  9. (+) Better support for Joomla cache in DJ-Classifieds Statistics module
  10. (+) User profile links base on profile view Itemid
  11. (!) Invoice manager plugin, missing DjTheme library
  12. (!) Email with "_" treated as invalid during validation of guest email.
  13. (!) Subscription plans resolved problem with ignored parameter "User profile details"
  14. (!) Categories ACL problems during advert creation
  15. (!) Problem with missing Itemid on Checkout page
  16. (!) Fix for publication adverts on list in administrator when it's added by guest without email
  17. (!) Przelewy24 resolved problem with PHP7 compatibility
  18. (!) When in search "price from" and "price to" was equal then "price to" was ignored
  19. (+) COUPONS APP
  20. (+) Search in users adverts view
  21. (!) Missing some custom fields during administrator edit with multi categorization App.
  22. (+) Allow users on front to block publication of advert
  23. (!) Problem with description characters when Subscription Plan used
  24. (!) Assigning users to Joomla group when using free Subscription Plan
  25. (+) Renew days info when not using durations plans
  26. (!) In administrator User Subscription Plans view, User name linked to User plan edition
  27. (!) Payment publication status change email sending problem.
  28. (!) Add correct email to Invoice Manager when guest is adding advert.
  29. (+) Class with field name in custom field container during advert creation
  30. (+) New field "purchase_details" which allows to display User details on sales and orders history
  31. (+) Address and Post code placeholders in DJ-Classifieds Search Module changed to HTML5 placeholder instead of script solution.
  32. (!) Problem with shipping and PayPal payments for order.
  33. (+) Position module 'djcf-top' added to checkout top
  34. (!) Resolved problem with multicategories and only 1 extra category.
  35. (!) Requesting for payments for type after update.
  36. (!) Wrong email notification to administrator when advert edited by guest
  37. (!) Problem with activating payment for points package on non-lating languages
  38. (+) Accordion for adverts in User Subscription plans
  39. (+) Support for Browser API key in Google Maps
  40. (+) Support for user tags in User Notification email.
  41. (!) Module items don't display region when only this element published.
  42. (+) Categories restriction in maps module



This new feature let users to search in their adverts (important when they have many of them)

22. Block adverts

Users can now block publication of the advert. This is handy when they do not want to unpublish it but stop publishing it for a while.

To enable this feature go to Options - Global tab and enable "Allow users to block adverts" feature 

Once enabled user can block the advert and it'll disappear from the adverts list. Later when needed the advert can be brought back by publishing it again.

30. Purchase details

When creating a new field for profile you'll use the field's name: "purchase_details" (the label can be whatever you want) each user can edit this field when editing their profile and fill there the contact information that can be used for the other party to contact him (those can be bank data or any other information for the seller/buyer).

This field will be visible only for administrator or the author of the advert. So it's important to set the field to be visible like this.

Here's the screenshot of how the field should be set up:

Now, when user edit the profile - the new field is visible and ready to be filled (on the screenshot you'll see exemplary filling): 

When filled, the author or administrator will see a button to trigger the popup with those info in their History of sales and orders

If the field wont be filled by the user it'll display only username + email.

We plan to release the stable version within few weeks. All depends on the feedback we'll get from the beta testers.

If you have any questions about this update let us know in the comments. Thanks! 

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