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DJ-Classifieds 3.7.2 - What to expect?
16 March 2018
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DJ-Classifieds 3.7.2 - What to expect?

26 November, 2021

Hey, I wanted to let you know about the latest version of DJ-Classifieds 3.7.2 that we're finalizing right now.

The upcoming version of our classifieds script (planned release 1-2 weeks) will bring new features and fixes. Some of them are:

Profile types

You will be able to create different user profiles types for users.

The administrator can create different user profiles types, and assign different extra fields to those and decide what Joomla group the user will be assigned to when registered. This opens great possibilities to manage your classifieds website.

User groups can be used website-wide taking into account the access restriction for submitting or browsing ads. You can also require different fields for different user types. For example, if you create two profile types: private and business you can add the private user to the different user group than the business user as well as ask to fill different profile fields for each.

The administrator of the site can edit and delete ads.

An option for the administrator to edit and delete all ads from the frontend.

Auction timer

Auction timer in advert details. You will be now able to display the time until the auction ends.

Better folders handling

A custom path for an ad, category, profile images + max 1000 images in one folder! This feature will be introduced as the number of images can go big, and some hosting providers allow for maximum 1000 files in one folder - if you are in this situation - this feature will save you!

Resize images on upload

Option to resize images during upload process - restrict maximum width and height of uploaded images- Basing on those parameters uploader will check the size of the image, and If the uploaded image reaches restricted value, then the image will be resized to desired dimensions before upload.

Enhanced Items module

You will be now able to display ads with auctions only!

SEO enhancement

Custom page title for Categories (SEO enhancement)

Let us know what do you think about those planned changes?