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dj-classifieds version 3.5 stable
26 November, 2021
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New Features, Improvements, Fixes! DJ-Classifieds 3.5 is Here

26 November, 2021

New features, improvements, fixes! DJ-Classifieds 3.5 is here. The mega update for DJ-Classifieds brings many new features and fixes. Some of them are small, and others are big improvements. In this article, I’ll try to explain in more detail what has changed and what you can expect in the latest release. The list below is not complete, as not all features need to be explained in more detail.

Block Adverts by Users on Front

block advert frontend

When this function is enabled, users will be able to block/disable the advert if they need to take it down for some reason—later, they can bring it back with a one-click button.

New Extra Field - “Purchase_Details”

This new field is meant for communication between buyers and sellers. One party can make their information visible only to the owner and the other who is doing business with him. 

Users Can Search for Adverts in Their Orofiles

The search field is now available within the user’s profile view, so it’s easy to find an advert - plenty of those.

Copy Adverts

Users can now copy their adverts. It is a real-time saver if someone posts similar adverts. Using the copy functionality will open the submission form with the same fields filled (even the pictures), so it’s easy to make a few adjustments and post a similar advert. 

Extra Fields Assigned to All Categories Can Always be Visible in the Search / Filter Module

You can now display extra fields that are assigned to all categories in the Search Module regardless of whether any category is selected.

ReCaptcha 2.0

Native Joomla ReCaptcha 2.0 is now supported in the registration plugin and “Contact this advertiser”!

Improved RWD support for Slider in DJ-Classifieds Items module

Auto resizing of columns and reduction of columns when column wider than 80px.

Remember User's Details When Submitting New Advert

Administrators can connect user profile fields with Category and Contact fields. This way, fields will be autocompleted with data that do not need to be entered each time users submit ads.

New Module Positions

‘djcf-top’ was added to checkout page and 'djcf-top-cat0’ is now available in main categories view

Display Only Ads from Registered Users in Maps Module

show adverts from guest adverts

You can now filter the results on a map to display ads only from registered users without displaying ads from guests.

Select Parent Category in Menu Module

If you need to display the child categories of parent category site-wise.

Show Only 'Buy Now Adverts" in Search Module

New option to choose in the Search module - show only adverts with the “Buy now” feature enabled.

Display Custom Fields in DJ-Classifieds Items Module

Now you can display custom fields also in the Items Module.

Display Category Images for Adverts

category images in adverts

Use the category image rather than the default image.

Multicategories Support in Maps Module

As you can now select in the Maps Module the categories from DJ-Classifieds that should display adverts, this new feature will also display products/items/adverts from the categories that are not main. For example, suppose the advert is in two categories, A (primary) and B (additional), and the Maps Module is set to display items only from the B category. In that case, it'll now also display the items added to the B category (additional category).

Support for Caching in DJ-Classifieds Modules

You can now use individual caching options in the following modules: Regions, Maps, Category Tree, Category Module (Menu), and Statistics.

Better Search

Selecting something from the autocompletion field in DJ-Classifieds Search will automatically show the results. No need to click anything more.

Arrows in Sort Values on Smart Table View

sort valyes on smart table view

Payments for Multicategories

Once you use the Multi Categories App, each category will be charged separately. For example, if you have two paid categories and the user adds one primary [paid] category and a second [paid] category when submitting the advert, the advert price for both categories will be added to the checkout.

Number of Adverts in User Profiles List [Admin]

Administrators can now quickly see and sort users by amount of adverts submitted by them.

Renew Days Info when not Using Durations Plans

Suppose you're not using "durations" and leave only one duration in DJ-Classifieds, and the advert expires. In that case, the user, when renewing the advert, will automatically assign the only possible renewal duration.

Accordion for Adverts in User Subscription Plans

accordion of adverts

Support for Paid Type During Renewal Process

When renewing adverts, users can now add paid types.

Copy of Email Send to Administrator After Bank Transfer Payment

The administrator will be notified by email once the user uses the Bank transfer payment method.

Other Features

  • Added feature "Show on click" for core contact field when used as a custom field
  • User profile links based on profile view Itemid
  • Renew days info when not using durations—If you're not using "durations" and leave only one duration in DJ-Classifieds, and the advert has expired, the user will automatically be assigned the only possible renewal duration when renewing the advert.
  • Perfect Dashboard integration added
  • Search in administrator payments by the ID of payment and ID of the item (advert, subscription plan, points package)
  • When editing custom fields, you can now see to what categories they are assigned when you click on the select list - the chosen categories are marked with the asterisk (*)
category assignment in classifieds website

Features that Developers will Love

  • Class with field name in custom field container during advert creation
  • New trigger for plugins before validating User ['onBeforeValidateDJClassifiedsSaveUser']
  • Address and Postcode placeholders in DJ-Classifieds Search Module changed to HTML5 placeholder instead of script solution
  • New trigger for plugins before saving User ['onBeforeDJClassifiedsSaveUser']
  • New trigger for plugins after saving User ['onAfterDJClassifiedsSaveUser']
  • Changed to placeholder events onblur and onfocus in primary input of the search module
  • Payments library that allows easier creation of
  • Payments plugins